Anthropological Filming

From the very beginning of the l'ETNO. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia itself, ethnographic films have been another tool for research on traditional Valencian culture. A very important complement at the anthropological research that offers the researcher the possibility of documenting any process under study in a very particular way. Moving images and sound enable us to illustrate aspects that would otherwise be impossible to capture in research on artisan processes, popular rituals or any other aspect of the life of a social group.

These last years the museum has set in motion different research projects on visual anthropology to document distinct aspects of the Valencian traditional life that have remained until the actuality. Among them are "Memòria i història del vi valencià" [History and Memory of the Valencian Wine] or "Antropologia visual de les zones humides" [Visual Anthropology of the Wetlands].

The Archive of Visual Anthropology of the L'ETNO.Museu Valencià d'Etnologia has among its collections films made by researchers from the museum itself, and also by other external researchers who have collaborated with us. Film recordings that are not connected with research projects are also preserved, such as videos of popular festivals or work scenes, among others, which over time have become highly valuable ethnographic documents.