L'ETNO opens the call for the Bernat Capó Prize for Research and Dissemination of Valencian Popular Culture. An extract of the rules can be consulted below. The deadline for the presentation of works is now open.
L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia and the Culture Department of the Diputació de València, with the aim of promoting research and broadcasting related to the study of popular culture, announce the Bernat Capó Prize of the Diputació de València for the year 2025. The prize is endowed with 6,000 euros and includes the publication of the work by the publisher Editorial El Bullent.
All those who have reached the age of 18 by the deadline for submission of works are eligible to participate. Those who have won the Bernat Capó Prize for Research and Dissemination of Valencian Popular Culture in the last five years are not eligible to participate.
Any unpublished research work on the dissemination of Valencian popular culture is eligible for this prize. The works submitted must have the following characteristics:
- They must refer to a field of popular culture, both material and immaterial. Works that refer to material culture will be especially valued.
- Use an ethnographic methodology.
- A single theme or several related themes may be developed, but they may not be simple compilations of articles.
- They may be written in Valencian or Spanish.
- They must be original, unpublished and not awarded in other competitions or prizes.
- The originals competing for the prize must be submitted IN ELECTRONIC SUPPORT and in PDF format, double-spaced, DIN A4 size, and must be between 125 and 175 pages long.
The documentation and requirements can be consulted in the announcement in the BOP of 2025/02/17.