
L'ETNO focuses its educational offer on a series of activities (workshops, visits and educational projects) that aim to share with the museum visitors the stories of the permanent  and temporary exhibitions. These activities are aimed at various types of public: pupils from Primary School to Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and adults. 

Workshops and educational projects:

  • El joc de l'horta. Board game on the traditional use of water. Target public: Primary education. Held at the museum premises.


  • De cap a peus. Workshop on traditional clothing. Target public: Primary education and 1st cycle of Secondary Education. Held at the museum premises. 


  • Espanta la por. Per Tots Sants, monstres valencians. Project to recover the traditional imaginary of fear. Infant and primary education. This project is carried out in the museum and can also be developed in schools. 


  • Faltar o morir. Educational project on death arising from the exhibition Faltar o morir. Un recorrido por la ausencia, produced by the museum in 2020. Target public:  Primary, Secondary Education and Baccalaureate. It is carried out in educational centres.

Guided tours

Guided tours of the museum's temporary exhibitions and the permanent exhibition It's not easy to be Valencian. This permanent exhibition is organised into three sections that can be visited separately or together. The sections of this exhibition are: The City (global and local), The irrigated farmland and the marshland (the imaginaries) and Dryland and Mountain (the invisibilities). All educational levels and adults. 


Educational guide in booklet format aimed at families to be able to make visits independently with children from 6 to 11 years old. The guide proposes activities segmented into age groups (6 and 7 years; 8 and 9 years; 10 and 11 years), increasing the level of complexity according to the age of the child. The proposal, centred on The City part of the permanent exhibition, includes activities to be carried out both in the museum rooms and at home. The guide can be requested free of charge at the information point of the Centre Museístic La Beneficència (Languages: Spanish and Catalan).


Education and Health project

  • Caixa dels records. Memòries d'una vida. Target public: aimed at people with dementia in its initial stages. Activity to be carried out in the museum or in centres that request it.
  • Re-creating identity. Pilot didactic workshop aimed at users of mental health services.

Free activities