Graves. Didactic guide

Sixth grade of primary education, ESO and Bachillerato

We present the didactic program to accompany the temporary exhibition "2238. Place of perpetration and memory", that L'ETNO. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia is exhibiting between July 2023 and April 2024.

This exhibition addresses the Francoist repression that lasted from 1939 to 1956 in a very specific space and setting: the mass graves in the cemetery of Paterna. Here and in this interval of time were shot and thrown into more than 100 mass graves 2,238 people, almost half of all the repressed in the Valencian territory.

The didactic program, a publication aimed at teachers, consists of a total of three interrelated sessions, in which the development of one is the gateway to the next. These sessions have three different scenarios: the classroom, the temporary exhibition and the Paterna cemetery. In the aforementioned publication you will find all the instructions, resources and documentation necessary for the classroom sessions, as well as indications for booking visits to the temporary exhibition and the Paterna Municipal Cemetery.

Sessions 1 and 3 are designed for the teacher to act as a mediator, for which he or she will have all the necessary instructions and resources, which he or she will only have to print and prepare beforehand. For session 2, a mediator from L'ETNO will accompany the group through the exhibition.

Session 1. Words
The first session takes place in the classroom. The aim of this session is to introduce the students to the key concepts that will be addressed in the exhibition through a series of participatory dynamics.

Session 2. 2238. Place of perpetration and memory
The second session takes place at L'ETNO. Teachers can arrange a dynamic visit to the exhibition for their group. In it, and through a series of micro-experiences, the students will discover the exhibition areas and the blocks of contents that make up this exhibition.

Session 3. Reflection
The third session and closing of the program. This session is designed for the classroom. Through various educational dynamics, a collective reflection will be worked on, conclusions will be drawn and participants will be invited to look for the relationship between what knowledge of this historical moment brings us and our present.

The place of truth. Proposal to visit the Paterna Cemetery
This proposal is designed to be carried out in the municipal cemetery of the town of Paterna. Through a series of exercises, all the aspects seen throughout the program will be related.

At the end of the guide, there is a series of resources of all kinds to continue working inside and outside the classroom.