Faltar o morir. Educational project that proposes a reflection on death and loss aimed at an educational audience.
This guide arises as a didactic and educational complement to the exhibition Faltar o morir. Un recorregut sobre l’absència. The exhibition deals with one of the subjects that most concerns human beings: the fact of dying. As an institution dedicated to the study of traditional society from a modern perspective, the museum tackles the question by making a comparative journey between death before (missing, in traditional society) and now (dying, in modern society).
Both the exhibition and the educational proposal are conceived from the assumption that the fact of normalising death in education and society contributes to a more balanced, better oriented and more humane formation of the person, which makes us look at our finitude, which contains respect for life, our own and that of those around us.
The didactic guide includes activities for different educational levels (Primary Education, Secondary Education and Baccalaureate) in different thematic areas, in which the meaning of the loss of loved ones is worked on.
• Raise awareness and make pupils and families reflect on the subject of death.
• Promote collaboration between the museum and cultural and educational institutions.
• Promote the exchange of experiences and information between the museum and schools, families, etc.
• Introduce pupils to the richness of the artistic, historical and cultural heritage in a didactic and interactive way.
• Promote the direct analysis of the material and immaterial funerary heritage.
• Awaken interest in the historical development of different regions and countries in relation to death.
• Promote teamwork.