El Joc de l'Horta

Primary Education

This is an educational game that tries to explain some aspects of the permanent exhibition Horta & Marsh, the Valencian Museum of Ethnology. 
Designed as a board game, is inspired by the well known game of La Oca. The objective is that the students learn the way of life in the garden areas of Valencia and become aware of the importance and dependence of farmers on such a limited and scarce resource such as water. 
Development of Activity 
When students arrive at the museum made ​​a tour of the Marsh & Horta room visit. This tour lasts half an hour. Then, in the space of the room itself, may play Joc de l'Horta, which will mean another half hour of time. Finally, they can have free time for lunch in the yards. Participating colleges with a copy of the game was giving away.

Duration: 90 minutes.

Free activity