29 Jun 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59

Volverte a ver (See you again)

Carolina Corral, Mèxic, 80’ (2020) - Spanish

*Screening included in the programme «The Graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory» of L'ETNO, Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia.

Lina, Angry and Edith are relatives of missing persons. They train as forensic experts in order to participate in the exhumation of more than 200 bodies that the Morelos Prosecutor's Office buried in secret, without investigating what happened to them or who they were. The documentary accompanies the work of these women in the process of disinterment, the supervision of which reveals a harsh reality: what is a government that, without investigating, buries more than two hundred people in hidden graves covering up?

Discussion after the screening of the film.

Organisation and access

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.