25 Jul 2022 - 22:00
Press release


Mudanzas is a project promoted in 2021  by the Centro de Formación de Personas Adultas Vicent Ventura in collaboration with the photographer Lidia Jaramillo. The project used the photovoice technique in combination with life interviews and workshops with the aim of giving  voice to immigrant and native students who were at the centre at the time. The idea was to let them  tell their story around three moments (origins, crossing and arrival) activating a shared reflection of the experience.
Through this project, L'ETNO aims to continue with its task of disseminating and reflecting on the plurality of Valencian society, and in particular the situation and experience of migrants living with us. In addition, the project strengthens the line of work of collaboration with institutions such as the Vicent Ventura training centre, until recently located in the same neighbourhood than the museum