27 Oct 2021 - 20 Feb 2022
Hasta el 26 de septiembre de 2021

Univers d'Imatge. Col·leccions fotogràfiques de L´ETNO

We present a walk through the corridors of the photographic archive of L'ETNO, which brings together the photographic funds and collections that this institution has compiled over the last 30 years, with a wide variety of themes and an anthropological interest understood from a broad and transversal point of view.

Twelve collections have been selected, grouped according to some of the most significant uses in the history of the medium: scientific photography in the ethnography section, institutional photography, photography by professionals, photography with a personal, documentary and informative ambition, and domestic and family photography, focusing on the social habits that impregnate the materiality of the photographic object. At the same time, the aim is to reflect on some ideas that cross the photographic medium, such as memory, the archive and an approach based on the context in which the images were created.
Photographs have been explained as proof and witness of the past, as an aesthetic expression of subjectivity and as a tool of representation, but also, as the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu points out, they are a process and a practice, a way of relating. 
En el recorrido planteado, cada colección nos muestra una visión particular y al tiempo dialoga con las otras. Cada una, desde su posición, va trenzando ese tejido compartido forma en forma de universo de imágenes que entendemos como memoria visual.