26 Nov 2023 - 18:00 - 20:00
27 Nov 2023 - 10:00 - 12:00

Those who eat soil


La Zafiriña Company - La Rambleta (in collaboration with Escalante Centre Teatral).

Author: Mafalda Bellido.

Year: 2018

Synopsis: Los que comen tierra is a text by Mafalda Bellido that arises from the I Laboratorio Ínsula Dramataria Josep Lluis Sirera, promoted by the Instituto Valenciano de Cultura.

Directed by Sergio Serrano, the play aims to give a voice to those who have no voice, to the dead of our recent history, to the thousands executed by the Franco regime who are still buried in the ditches and on the roads of our country. It is also a tribute to the families of these victims, who are fighting for dignity and reparation for the memory of their ancestors. These unopened graves are the thousands of unhealed wounds that we still have to rehabilitate in a country that is obstinate in making a tabula rasa of its most recent past.

A dry stone wall. A dry-stone bank that is on a road. A road that could be any road. One of our roads. One of our roads. One of our stories. Our story.

Cast: Mafalda Bellido Monterde, Lola López, Ernesto Pastor, Begoña Tena, Jorge Valle

There will be only two performances:

  • The one on the 26th will be for all audiences.
  • The one on the 27th will be for schoolchildren.
26 Nov 2023 - 18:00 - 20:00
27 Nov 2023 - 10:00 - 12:00

Access: Advance tickets through http://entradesvalencia.com/ the Sunday before each session and in person at the information point of the Centre Museístic La Beneficència from half an hour before each performance.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you have not already done so:

Registration on the platform>>>>.