14 Apr 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
21 Apr 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
28 Apr 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
05 May 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
Family workshop


Workshop in which we will reflect on the uses of the squares and invite attendees to imagine how to achieve a more livable, green, dynamic and designed for children environment. We will discuss what aspects of traditional Valencian society we can rescue, not only when it comes to building structures, but also when it comes to relating to each other. To build our ideal square, participants will create models with cardboard, wood and cardboard, following the principles of sustainable architecture. What if we returned to the street to "take the air"?


Organisation and how to access
  • Workshops aimed at a family audience.
  • Age: boys and girls from 5 to 12 years old.
  • Language: Valencian and Spanish.
  • Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
  • Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons do not need a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per booking.
  • Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The person in charge of the workshops will collect the participants at the meeting point at 12.00 noon. If someone does not arrive on time, their ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Register in platform>>