01 Oct 2023 - 10:00 - 11:30
08 Oct 2023 - 10:00 - 11:30
Educational workshops

Fem de colors

Weekend workshop for families

Not so long ago, plants, stones or reeds were materials used for work and reused to make tools, toys, etc. Fem de colors is an activity in which, instead of using elements from nature, we will take care of it by reusing everyday waste that endangers both the environment and those who live in it, creating our good luck pendant in homage to nature. We can wear it and hang it wherever we like, reminding us of the importance of our consumption and waste management.

To improve the workshop experience and to have more options to make beautiful things, if you want you can bring from home plastic bottles and caps, straws... anything plastic that you are not going to use and that you want to give a second life to.

Organisation and form of access
  • Workshops aimed at a family audience.
  • Minimum age: children from 4 years old.
  • Language: Valencian and Spanish.
  • Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop at: www.letno.es
  • Tickets are only reserved for children. Accompanying persons do not have to take a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per booking.
  • Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The person in charge of the workshops will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 12.00 noon. In the event that someone does not arrive on time, their ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>