25 Oct 2023 - 16:00 - 17:30
Espanta la por!

Presentation of «L'Home del Sac»

We add a new installment to the already numerous collection of tales to scare away fear.

Almudena Francés, the author, will tell us and teach us how to tell tales, and Marc Bou, the illustrator, will perhaps draw a bogeyman. In any case, the presentation of the new story in the collection "Espanta la por" will be great fun.

Almudena Francés is dedicated to telling and listening to stories but also to life stories, riddles, tongue twisters, she does it from the Vall d'Albaida, because her stories are linked to a specific territory, although she also tells the stories from far away as if they had happened in the Vall d'Albaida, because stories know no borders. What she is most proud of in her work is the Contes a la Fresca project, in which a local storyteller has storytellers who are professionally dedicated, transmitting a way of being and existing in the world and giving anchors for people to hold on to.

Marc Bou has a degree in Fine Arts from the Universitat Politècnica de València. During his studies he already shows interest in different artistic fields. He collaborates as a comic artist and scriptwriter for the fanzine Cinco and participates in different roles in different short films, one of which, Hasta que la muerte te separe (Until did do you part), received the award for best photography at the Ciutat de Castelló short film festival. He has worked in various fields, from muralist and designer to illustrator of album covers and storyboards. During 2013-2014 he held a travelling solo exhibition entitled Versos en blanc i negre/Il-lustrant a Estellés (Verses in black and white/Il-lustrating Estellés). He is the author of the illustrations for the Guia inacabada de la fantasia valenciana (The Unfinished Guide To Valencian Fantasy) (L'ETNO, 2022) and the Calendari Fantàstic for 2024. 

Other titles in the collection Espanta la por:


Useful information

Place: Museu Comarcal de l'Horta Sud. Carrer de la Mare de Déu de l'Olivar, 30 (Torrent)