15 Oct - 17 Nov 2023

Espanta la por! 2023 (Scare the fear!)

For All Saints, Valencian Monsters

Once again this year, the Espanta la por campaign is here to release our fantastic imagination with activities of all kinds, both for adults and for children. And as every year for the last eight years, we are not alone, we are accompanied by many local ethnological museums, libraries and Valencian schools!

This year we have something new: as well as being in the real world, we have also entered the world of podcasts. Espanta la por 2023 is the birth of The names of fear, the first podcast of L'ETNO in which we will reflect on the fears of adults, the fears of Valencian people, and we will be accompanied by Valencian podcasters on this four-programme journey, in Valencian, to talk about monsters, legends, literature, death... You are invited to the recording of some of the programmes, but please let us know that you are coming, lest you don't leave room for monsters and imagination!

Of course, we will also enjoy many activities in the "real world", which we are sure you will like very much. Come and have a great time in our space to scare the fear away!

Check out the programme!