27 Oct 2022 - 22:00

Bernat Capó Award 2022

The winner, Albert Toldrà, is a great specialist in medieval history and contributes to enriching the thematic variety of the prizes.

At the award ceremony held yesterday afternoon at the Castell de Alaquàs, the 23rd BERNAT CAPÓ DE CULTURA POPULAR prize was awarded to Albert Toldrà y Vilardell for his work Sin cerdo. La alimentación en las identidades culturales de judíos y moriscos y en su persecución por la Inquisición de València (Without pork. Food in the cultural identities of Jews and Moors and their persecution by the Inquisition in Valencia).

This work reflects on the role played by food as a cultural element in the historical conflict between Jews, Christians and Muslims. The document focuses on the fact that most of the accusations of the Inquisition of Valencia against Jews and Moors came, beyond strictly religious motives, from food and drink: what they ate and what they did not eat and what rituals, in the act of eating, were observed or ignored by each of these groups.

The prize awarded by L'ETNO. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (Diputación de València) is worth €6,000 and includes the publication of the text by Editorial Bullent and the presentation of a sculpture by the Valencian artist Artur Heras.


27 Oct 2022 - 22:00