14 Mar - 14 Apr 2023
Photography contest

Wiki Loves Falles

The Wiki Loves Fallas contest returns in 2023 to spread the Fallas festival in Wikipedia projects. A photography contest to improve the presence of the Fallas Festival in Wikipedia and its sister projects.

This contest has been held since 2017 and over the years more than 3,100 images have been released showing how Valencians live the Fallas Festival. A work still necessary to be able to document the work of the fallero artists and the festival in the street every year.  

L'ETNO, together with Wikimedia España, Amical Wikimedia and with the collaboration of the Concejalía de Cultura Festiva of the València Council and the Fallas Research Society, organizes, within the international call Wiki Loves Folklore, a special contest centered on the Fallas Festival with the aim of expanding the existing images in Wikimedia Commons from this annual event.

L'ETNO proposes to go out in the streets, enjoy the festival, take photos and share them on Wikimedia Commons. The period for uploading the photographs is from 15 March to 15 April 2023 and the uploading system is very easy and intuitive, but if you have any questions, the L'ETNO Library offers to guide your through the process. This competition is open to any Valencian town that celebrates Fallas as long as the photographs are from 2023.

A jury made up of six people linked to the organising entities will choose the winners in the two established categories:

  • The best photo of a falla, of the monument, both a general view and a detail.
  • The best photo of a fallera activity, whether it is the plantà, the cremà, the offering to the Virgin Mary, the fritters, the music, the parades, the street parties... any aspect that shows how we Valencians live the festival.


The prizes are two sets of publications and gifts courtesy of L'ETNO and the Department of Festive Culture, including books such as the Guia inacabada de la fantasia valenciana, an extraordinary letter from the Fallera Calavera Espanta la por, a folder with two original prints by Marina Puche, designer of the municipal falla 2023, and a scarf designed by Marina Puche and inspired by the falla's motifs. 

The photographs will also be entered in the Wiki Loves Folklore competition, which is held all over the world.