Working towards a more sustainable world.
At L'ETNO we care about the future of the planet. This is why we are working to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. These are some of the actions we take:
A) Reduction of electricity consumption in the new permanent exhibition. Don't be surprised if you see little light when you enter our exhibition, we are reducing the nimber of lights on when the rooms are empty of visitors. Lights will came up as you walk in.
B) Recycling materials we use. In our daily work we use a wide range of materials (paper, plastic, wood and so on..), some can be recycle. Here are two examples:
Paper: we are proving visitors with recycling points for the brouchures used to explain the exhibition, if you do not want them..leave them there.
Plastic: we advertise our projects using plastic banners..once the project is over we are converting them into nice, cool, bags! can buy them in the museum shop or get one free by participating in our contests #EtnoToteBags...go for it!! (we will announce them on our networks).