28 Jun 2018 - 27 Jan 2019

Beyond Hollywood

American Indian Identities

 “Beyond Hollywood: American Indian Identities” is an exhibition that juxtaposes generally Hollywood created stereotypical ideas about American Indian peoples with understandings that Native people hold about themselves. This confrontation of perspectives goes far beyond the myths and stereotypes through which images of the American Indian are often constructed. It also poses questions about ethnic identity, cultural diversity, cultural representation, and self-determination. Through the art and artifacts of various American Indian tribes, with a special emphasis on the Anishinaabe of the Great Lakes region, the exhibition tells the story of both cultural diversity and shared beliefs across the continent, of continued traditions and continual change, and of contemporary Native resistance and creativity.

The exhibition opens with an art piece from Canadian Cree artist Kent Monkman. This piece challenges the image of Native peoples put forward in the work of the well known 19th century painter, George Catlin. The main body of the show then builds on four thematic ideas--origins, diversity, confrontations and responses--counterpoising native and western viewpoints on these topics. To conclude, contemporary Native American perspectives are examined through the prism of identity issues, scratching only the surface of the current vitality of Native communities across North America.