12 Mar - 28 Jun 2020

The Unveiled Tradition

Traditional clothing from Alcublas

Exhibition on the traditional clothing of Alcublas, a village in the region of the Serranos, inland valància.

We keep what we appreciate. We preserve assets bequeathed by our ancestors that keep us linked to childhood memories, to the family; a tree with invisible roots that is nurtured with cultural practices that we inherited from our ancestors, as well as those we install without being aware that they will be taken over by our descendants.
This esteem for cultural heritage, in particular for the clothing of their elders, has been passed down from generation to generation in the town of Alcublas, enabling a huge amount of textiles of undoubted heritage value to be preserved today.
In this mountain town, it is common for families to treasure in a chest the clothing received from their ancestors in inheritance. This "box of old clothes" has been configured from generation to generation with pieces of great cultural value, some of which have more than 200 years of life.
Normally it was the women who were in charge of the care and maintenance of the clothing of the chest, in the same way that they also made new garments, which ended up being incorporated into the family legacy.
These garments are preserved and recovered because they are estimated and worn on specified dates. When Alcublas parties, time seems to recede; the ringing of the bells and the music overflow with joy and the streets are crowded with young people adorned with the clothes inherited from their families. For all this, this exhibition tries to "unveil the tradition" and put in value the conservation effort, maintenance and generosity that have made alcublas people for generations, so that today we can enjoy this rich cultural heritage.
This exhibition has been curated by Javier Marco Casero and Sergio Civera Ponz, and has been coordinated by Pilar Payà, curator of l'Etno. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia.
With the objective of complying with the safety and hygiene instructions originated by the COVID-19, this exhibition can be visited with restricted access and respecting the distances of safety.