26 Oct 2023 - 18:00 - 19:30
Scare the fear!

Podcast «Els noms de la por»

Podcast «The names of fear»

The podcast "Els noms de la por" (The names of fear) is born to reflect, search and investigate what our fears are, the fears of adults. Why does fear exist? What are we afraid of? And if it is the case: Scare it away! or not! In any case, we will travel around the Valencian territory, always accompanied by our oral tradition, as we always like to do as part of the Espanta la por (Scare the fear!) campaign. 

On 26 October at 8 p.m. we invite you to join us for a collective listening of the first episode: What are we Valencians afraid of? It will take place in room VIII of the permanent exhibition of L'ETNO under a roof full of popular culture and with little light. You must register in advance by sending an email to biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es

This is not a podcast to talk about Valencian monsters, scarecrows, or Valencian legends, but instead we will use it to show that contemporary fears and the way we currently face the most traditional fears can be explained and we can understand them better with the help of our oral tradition.  

"Els noms de la por" is a podcast of L'ETNO Library. The original idea is by Almudena Francés and Amparo Pons, the script by Almudena Francés with the collaboration of Carles Cano and the sound design and music by Edu Comelles and Rafa Ramos Sania.

Every Thursday there will be a new episode, so make a note of the dates: 

26 October - The names of fear ep. 1. 
"What are we Valencians afraid of".

2nd November - The names of fear ep. 2. 
"Missing is not synonymous with dying".

9th November - The names of fear ep. 3
"Mourning hurts".

16 November - The names of fear ep. 4 
"To die, to disappear and that's it?"

Registration is required at >>biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es