01 Apr - 26 Jun 2022

The Maestrat on film

Images and a territory. The ghosts of the past confront the present

“El Maestrat Filmat” is a audiovisual project that brings to the present the different views that have been responsible for immortalizing this territory of inland Castelló (the north part of the Valencian country) throughout the last century. A proposal that aims to reflect on the visual imagery of this eminently rural territory. During the project, more than 20 film archive collections from towns such as Albocàsser, Benassal, Catí or Ares del Maestrat have been located and preserved.

This exhibition proposal is an adaptation of this documentary project. In the first part of the visit, the construction of the archive is presented. A constellation of images that show its origin, scope and context of creation, each one with its own characteristics. Discovering these collections will help us rethink their mere existence and reproduction, as well as their importance as documentary (intangible) heritage. Inside we can enjoy an audiovisual installation, a reconstruction of the interactive web documentary “El Maestrat Filmat-La Memòria Rescatada”.

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