16 Oct 2024 - 25 Sep 2025


FADRINES. An investigation, an exhibition, a webdoc.

Fadrines is an exhibition about women who did not marry when it was the right thing to do. Or what is the same, women who undermined the heteropatriarchal norm of getting married and having children. How were their lives considering the social environment that looked at them sideways, that stereotyped and ignored them? How were they built from that margin that was the fadrinesa, from that periphery that attracts little attention...? Far from scornful or pitiful readings, Fadrines shows the diversity of life trajectories of single women (fadrinesa) in the face of the hegemonic model. Intuitive feminists of the 40s and 50s, who make an identity journey from stereotype to fulfillment. 

At the same time, Fadrines. What is life just about getting married? is a webdoc or interactive documentary, that is, another language of diffusion, non-linear and free access, where you will find films, animated photographs, illustrations and voices of single women (fadrines): the protagonists. 

From fadrines.dival.es you can browse and enjoy on your computer or tablet. You will not have a single viewing direction. You can go back and forth, interrupt whenever you want or be enchanted by singleness stories. In short, give a listen to the set of confluences that have been single women's life.

Both the exhibition and the webdoc, Fadrines, is a museographic exercise born from fieldwork and research on the female singleness in L'ETNO. An exciting and careful study that has also concluded its research work with the publication number 8 of the Temas de Etnografía Valenciana Collection; accessible and downloadable through the following link: https://letno.dival.es/es/publicacion/fadrines-el-proces-de-no-casar-se….

16 Oct 2024 - 25 Sep 2025
Guided tours of the exhibition

From January to June

Sundays 11.30 a.m.

Visits with admission, prior pick-up at the Museum lobby, every Sunday from 11:00 am.

Free admission until full capacity is reached

Visit conducted by the curators of the exhibition.