27 Jun 2023 - 22:00
Press release

L'Incontrolat 2023

Third cycle of Documentaries and Ethnography

"L'Incontrolat" is a cycle that explores the relationship between documentary film and ethnography. The programme aims to promote the capacity of documentaries as a tool for analysing contemporary societies and cultures. It does so through a series of documentaries that range from works directed by anthropologists to audiovisual pieces with a marked ethnographic inspiration.

The approach of the cycle is based on a contemporary ethnographic perspective that does not focus exclusively on native peoples or isolated rural communities, but rather investigates the cultural practices and social conflicts of contemporary societies. Along these lines, this year's cycle addresses the phenomenon of mass graves in different countries and contexts, within the framework of the programme THE GRAVES OF FRANCOISM. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory of L'ETNO, Prehistory Museum of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia.

The works screened in "L'Incontrolat" are recent productions that are premiering for the first time in the Valencian Community, and are not easily accessible on digital platforms. Therefore, it is a unique opportunity to enjoy them when the summer sun goes down.

Press release in the right column (spanish)

Organisation and access

Organised by
Col-lectiu HortaSnob - L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia

In collaboration with 
AVA Associació Valenciana d'Antropologia - La Dula Coop.

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.