Photograph Archive

The Photograph Archive brings together the repository and collections of photographs that this institution has compiled over the last thirty years. Museu Valencià d'Etnologia sees this Archive as a way to raise awareness about the importance of visual heritage to build the collective memory of communities, and in particular that of the Valencian people. With this in mind, the centre's mission is to become a benchmark in Valencia in regard to everything related to photographic and audiovisual documentation, from the perspective of its ethnological and museological value.
The collection itself is a considerable part of the Archive and the origins thereof, which is the result of ongoing study and research by ethnologists and curators on traditional, popular Valencian society since the museum was founded back in 1982.
But the Photograph Archive also includes collections from different sources providing knowledge about a time gone by, the territory or a specific activity. This is always carried out through a broad, transversal approach related to our field of study.
The collections comprising the Archive are currently undergoing a process of cataloguing, installation, description and digitalisation. As the first step in our policy of dissemination, we would like to start by informing about some sets of pictures where the work is at a more advanced stage.

*All the images are subject to intellectual property law, moral rights regarding the authors and exploitation rights of the Photograph Archive or the authors, depending on each individual case. Please enquire about intention of use.