16 Dec 2023 - 11:00 - 14:00
20 Jan 2024 - 11:00 - 14:00
23 Mar 2024 - 11:00 - 14:00

Human Library: «Todo aquello que cuenta el silencio» (Everything that silence tells)

«The more a pit is emptied, the more the memory fills up»

This activity is part of the project «The Graves of Francoism: Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory».

We invite you to listen to real stories about real lives:
In a Human Library there are no books but people who speak in the first person. In a Human Library there is no fiction but a strong dose of reality that will hit you very hard. In a Human Library readers listen with their hearts to everything that human books need to tell.

On this occasion, the Human Library features people who are well aware that "the more a grave is emptied, the more the memory fills up". Relatives and professionals linked to the processes of reparation of democratic memory will become human books to share their experiences in this process with readers who want to listen to them. "Todo aquello que cuenta el silencio" wants to give voice to the people who were silenced in the past in order to connect them with the present through the generosity of a Human Library.

  • If you want to be a reader of this Human Library, that is, if you want to attend to listen to these life stories, you must register at: biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es.
  • There are 40 places available for each session.
  • The human libraries are suitable for people over 12 years of age because the books are not fantasy, but real and we know that reality often surpasses fiction. However, it is a highly recommended activity for young audiences.
16 Dec 2023 - 11:00 - 14:00
20 Jan 2024 - 11:00 - 14:00
23 Mar 2024 - 11:00 - 14:00
Organisation and form of access

Registration: biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es

Capacity: 40 people

Public: Over 12 years old 

Place: The session on 16 December will be held in the rooms of L'ETNO and that of 20 January in the rooms of the Museum of Prehistory.

15 Oct 2023 - 00:00
Educational workshop

Re-creating identity

Pilot educational workshop aimed at users of mental health services.

From the first years of life, every human being is immersed in the complex process of constructing his or her own identity. However, although it is an individual and idiosyncratic process, it takes place in a specific socio-cultural context in which other adults, institutions such as the family or school, and explicit or implicit norms and already defined social patterns have a great influence.
The aim of this workshop is to approach this phenomenon openly and to deal with it from the first-person experience of each of the participants, to facilitate reflection and the joint creation of a space for artistic expression that helps to understand the self, one's own real social identity and to identify the factors that have intervened in this process of construction.

The people in charge of the workshop are:

Therapeutic part: Alberto Fernández, graduate in Psychology.
Artistic-creative part: Mónica Cases, graduate in Fine Arts.



In each of the sessions there will be a brief visit to different areas of the permanent exhibition of the museum No és fácil ser valencià (It's Not Easy Being Valencian), extracting reflections and concepts that are raised in a global way for the personal construction of identity. Afterwards, there will be a break and we will move on to a practical activity related to the subject dealt with through experimentation, emphasising the main objective of this process: to understand and work on identity through art and reflection.



Walk through Identity 

Walk through Identity is an introduction to identity as a concept and how it is formed in each of us, how it is constructed throughout our lives. This activity is an approach to the museum as an entity and a space for leisure and relationships. It consists of two sessions:

- SESSION 1: Urban Signs _ Human Signs
- SESSION 2: Vital X-ray

Journey through Identity

In Journey through Identity we will delve into both global and individual identity. In addition to the concept and its formation, we will discuss the changes it undergoes during our lives, the conditioning factors that cause these changes and how to approach the way to Re-Create our Identity.
This activity consists of four sessions:

- SESSION 1: Urban Signals _ Human Signals.
- SESSION 2: To be or not to be
- SESSION 3: Discovering Walls
- SESSION 4: Vital X-ray

Claudine Bernardes, writer and teacher of narrative in therapy, collaborated with us in the session Discovering Walls. She is the author of the story The Walls of the City, created for this project.


Organisation of the sessions

Both Walk through Identity and Journey through Identity will have a duration of 3 hours, including group reception, break and farewell. These sessions will take place in consecutive weeks, subject to possible changes in duration depending on the process we are in.



Although the project could be developed for the general public or people belonging to other groups, in this case it has been adapted for a very specific public, people diagnosed with mental health conditions. The appropriate number of participants for these sessions is 10 people, with a minimum of five, and a maximum of around fifteen, bearing in mind that the activity is offered to groups belonging to the same area:

- Day hospitals
- Medium-Stay Hospitalisation Units (UME)
- Medium and Long Stay Hospitalisation Units (UMLE)
- Rehabilitation and Social Integration Centre (CRIS)
- Day centres
- Sheltered housing
- Associations
- Other mental health facilities

Among these centres, the collaboration with the Psychiatric Hospital of Bétera, belonging to the Provincial Council of Valencia, stands out.

15 Oct 2023 - 00:00
10 Oct 2023 - 22:00

Espanta la por! 2023

Per Tots Sants, monstres valencians

Once again this year, the Espanta la por campaign is here to vindicate our fantastic imagination with activities of all kinds, both for adults and for children. And as every year for the last eight years, we are not alone, we are accompanied by many local ethnological museums, libraries and Valencian schools!

This year we have something new: as well as being in the real world, we have also entered the world of podcasts. Espanta la por 2023 is the birth of The names of fear, the first podcast of L'ETNO in which we will reflect on the fears of adults, the fears of Valencian people, and we will be accompanied by Valencian podcasters on this four-programme journey, in Valencian, to talk about monsters, legends, literature, death... You are invited to the recording of some of the programmes, but please let us know that you are coming, lest you don't leave room for monsters and imagination!

Of course, we will also enjoy many activities in the "real world", which we are sure you will like very much. Come and have a great time in our space to scare the fear away!

Check out the programme!

01 Nov 2023 - 11:00 - 12:00
01 Nov 2023 - 12:00 - 13:00
Espanta la por!

At the Book Plaza (Plaça del Llibre)

This year the Plaça will be in the Botanical Garden of Valencia!!!

The Plaça del Llibre is the largest showcase for literature in Valencian, with authors and publishers from all over the linguistic area represented. The Plaça is a celebration of the daily work of authors, booksellers and publishers, and an opportunity to meet with readers.

From 27 October to 1 November, L'ETNO Library will be participating in the Plaça del Llibre to recommend readings about the Valencian imaginary of fear for young and old, and about other more contemporary fears that frighten us when we are older. We will also present two publications that are very present in our library about fears:

1 November, at 12.00 noon.
Missing or dying, a catalogue on loss
Presentation with Raquel Ferrero and José Mª Candela, curators of the exhibition, and Eusebio López, designer.

1 November, at 1 p.m.
A vermouth of fantasy with the Unfinished Guide
Presentation with Joan Borja, Francesc Gisbert, Víctor Labrado, authors of the Guia inacabada de la fantasia valenciana, and Amparo Pons, librarian of L'ETNO.

01 Nov 2023 - 11:00 - 12:00
01 Nov 2023 - 12:00 - 13:00

Location: Botanical Garden of València (c/ Quart, 80, València)

25 Oct 2023 - 16:00 - 17:30
Espanta la por!

Presentation of «L'Home del Sac»

We add a new installment to the already numerous collection of tales to scare away fear.

Almudena Francés, the author, will tell us and teach us how to tell tales, and Marc Bou, the illustrator, will perhaps draw a bogeyman. In any case, the presentation of the new story in the collection "Espanta la por" will be great fun.

Almudena Francés is dedicated to telling and listening to stories but also to life stories, riddles, tongue twisters, she does it from the Vall d'Albaida, because her stories are linked to a specific territory, although she also tells the stories from far away as if they had happened in the Vall d'Albaida, because stories know no borders. What she is most proud of in her work is the Contes a la Fresca project, in which a local storyteller has storytellers who are professionally dedicated, transmitting a way of being and existing in the world and giving anchors for people to hold on to.

Marc Bou has a degree in Fine Arts from the Universitat Politècnica de València. During his studies he already shows interest in different artistic fields. He collaborates as a comic artist and scriptwriter for the fanzine Cinco and participates in different roles in different short films, one of which, Hasta que la muerte te separe (Until did do you part), received the award for best photography at the Ciutat de Castelló short film festival. He has worked in various fields, from muralist and designer to illustrator of album covers and storyboards. During 2013-2014 he held a travelling solo exhibition entitled Versos en blanc i negre/Il-lustrant a Estellés (Verses in black and white/Il-lustrating Estellés). He is the author of the illustrations for the Guia inacabada de la fantasia valenciana (The Unfinished Guide To Valencian Fantasy) (L'ETNO, 2022) and the Calendari Fantàstic for 2024. 

Other titles in the collection Espanta la por:


25 Oct 2023 - 16:00 - 17:30
Useful information

Place: Museu Comarcal de l'Horta Sud. Carrer de la Mare de Déu de l'Olivar, 30 (Torrent)


04 Oct - 30 Dec 2023

XIII J.F. Mira Research Award 2023

The call for entries for the Mira Prize is now open.


The aim of the J. F. Mira Research Award is to promote research, study and dissemination of sociocultural anthropology, preferably in the Valencian Community.


1. All researchers who wish may apply, as long as they have not been awarded prizes in previous editions.
2. The works must be unpublished, written in Valencian or Spanish, and may not have been awarded prizes in other competitions. A copy in pdf format must be submitted, preserving anonymity.
3. The originals must be between 150 and 200 pages long, including footnotes and bibliography, in Times New Roman, 12 point, DIN-A4 format, single-spaced and half-spaced.
4. The content may deal with any subject, as long as it is done from an anthropological perspective.
5. The originals must be sent before 31 December 2023, under a slogan, to the AVA e-mail address (avantrop@yahoo.es), accompanied by a separate attachment with the inscription: "XIII Premio de Investigación J. F. Mira", as well as the title of the work and the slogan. This document must include the name, address, telephone number and other details of the author, as well as a brief curriculum vitae.
6. The XIII J. F. Mira Research Prize is endowed with 2,000 euros and the publication of the work in the Intercanvis collection of L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia de la Diputació de València, with the winner receiving 10 copies and a diploma.
7. The Valencian Association of Anthropology will designate the panel of judges at the appropriate time, whose decisions will be final.
8. The jury will issue its decision in the second half of January 2024 and may declare the prize void if, in its opinion, none of the works submitted meets the requirements and merits.
9. Participation in this competition implies full acceptance of its rules and regulations.

04 Oct - 30 Dec 2023
26 Oct 2023 - 22:00

Bernat Capó 2023 award ceremony

The Bernat Capó 2023 prize for the dissemination of Valencian popular culture will be awarded on Friday 27 October at 7.00 p.m. at the Castell de Alaquàs (Calle Padre Guillem, 2 Alaquàs). L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia, and the Department of Culture of the Diputació de València organise the annual Bernat Capó Prize for Research and Dissemination of Valencian Popular Culture with the aim of promoting research and dissemination of works related to the study of popular culture.

This year, the 24th edition of the prize will be awarded and representatives of both the organising bodies, L'ETNO and the Department of Culture of the Provincial Council of Valencia, and the collaborating bodies, such as Alaquàs Town Council, Edicions del Bullent and the Institute of Regional Studies of l'Horta Sud, will take part in the ceremony. 

The award ceremony will feature a musical performance by the group Krama and a celebratory cocktail will be served at the Ateneo de Alaquàs (Plaza de la Constitución, 1).

Admission is free until full capacity is reached.

26 Oct 2023 - 22:00

Date: Friday 27 October 2023
Place: Castell d'Alaquàs (carrer Pare Guillem, 2)
Time: 7.00 pm (7 - 10.30 pm.)

04 Nov 2023 - 11:00 - 12:30
Espanta la por!

Kalebarraka at L'ETNO

Eight are the Valencian podcasts that collaborate with Espanta la por, but on November 4th Kalebarraka, already a classic of Radio Godella, will be at L'ETNO recording a special program dedicated to "Death" and you are invited to come and see it live.


04 Nov 2023 - 11:00 - 12:30

Access: Free admission until full capacity is reached.

26 Oct 2023 - 18:00 - 19:30
Scare the fear!

Podcast «Els noms de la por»

Podcast «The names of fear»

The podcast "Els noms de la por" (The names of fear) is born to reflect, search and investigate what our fears are, the fears of adults. Why does fear exist? What are we afraid of? And if it is the case: Scare it away! or not! In any case, we will travel around the Valencian territory, always accompanied by our oral tradition, as we always like to do as part of the Espanta la por (Scare the fear!) campaign. 

On 26 October at 8 p.m. we invite you to join us for a collective listening of the first episode: What are we Valencians afraid of? It will take place in room VIII of the permanent exhibition of L'ETNO under a roof full of popular culture and with little light. You must register in advance by sending an email to biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es

This is not a podcast to talk about Valencian monsters, scarecrows, or Valencian legends, but instead we will use it to show that contemporary fears and the way we currently face the most traditional fears can be explained and we can understand them better with the help of our oral tradition.  

"Els noms de la por" is a podcast of L'ETNO Library. The original idea is by Almudena Francés and Amparo Pons, the script by Almudena Francés with the collaboration of Carles Cano and the sound design and music by Edu Comelles and Rafa Ramos Sania.

Every Thursday there will be a new episode, so make a note of the dates: 

26 October - The names of fear ep. 1. 
"What are we Valencians afraid of".

2nd November - The names of fear ep. 2. 
"Missing is not synonymous with dying".

9th November - The names of fear ep. 3
"Mourning hurts".

16 November - The names of fear ep. 4 
"To die, to disappear and that's it?"

26 Oct 2023 - 18:00 - 19:30

Registration is required at >>biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es

22 Oct - 16 Nov 2023
Espanta la por!

Podcast Universe

We are launching ELS NOMS DE LA POR (The names of fear), the new L'ETNO podcast that is sure to get people talking!
And we are not alone! A good handful of Valencian podcasts are joining us.

These are the chapters of our podcast. Every Thursday, a new episode.

Available on Spotify and IVOOX from:

26th October - Els noms de la por 1 (PRESENT ACTIVITY AT L'ETNO. SEE INFORMATION BELOW).
"A què tenim por els valencians i valencianes?" (What are we Valencians afraid of?)


2nd November - Els noms de la por 2 (ONLINE)
"Faltar no és sinònim de morir" (Missing is not synonymous with dying)


9th November - Els noms de la por 3 (ONLINE)
"El dol dol" (Grief hurts)


16th November - Els noms de la por 4 (ONLINE)
"Morir, desaparèixer i ja està?" (Dying, disappearing and that's it?)



From October 23rd to November 1st - "Criatures misterioses" (ONLINE)
by the Unitat de Normalització Lingüística de la Diputació de València



29th October - Baix la lluna (ONLINE)
"Espantacriatures" (Creature scarer)



31th October - Deparkineo (ONLINE)
"10 anys de mala sort" (10 years of bad luck) with Sandra Monfort



"La mort" (Death)



7th November - Una nit al castell (ONLINE)
"Criatures de la nit valenciana" (Creatures of the Valencian night)



10th November - Casella d'Eixida (ONLINE)
"La por als jocs de taula" (Fear of board games)



11th November - Gent Ràndom (PRESENT ACTIVITY)
"Els nostres ulls, les nostres tenebres" (Our eyes, our darkness)
Attention! It will be recorded live at the Espai d'Art Contemporani de Castelló. Find out more there.



17th November - Dolcet pal café (ONLINE)
"Pel·lis de por a la valenciana" (Scary movies Valencian style)



22 Oct - 16 Nov 2023