17 Jun 2023 - 08:00 - 21:59

Summer falla - 40 years of L'ETNO

Would you like to come and celebrate the start of the summer with us? Look what we're going to do!

➔10.00 h
Plantà in Corona street of the falla d'estiu El triunfo del Foot-ball (The Triumph of Football) presented in the exhibition De granotes, gats i palmeres. The Origins of the Levante U.D. de L'ETNO. Reproduction of the falla by Regino Mas and Rafael Albert that was set up on the 18th and 19th March 1923 in Mossen Sorell square, just a few metres from the current location of L'ETNO.

Dinner at the bar/cafeteria service in the patio of L'ETNO (each person brings their own dinner). Reservation required at letno@dival.es

➔21.00 h
DJ World Music session by Paco Valiente in the courtyard of L'ETNO.

Cremà de la falla (burning of the falla) in Corona street.

Verbena (festivity) with Ele DJ in Corona Street.

17 Jun 2023 - 08:00 - 21:59
09 Jun 2023 - 17:00 - 19:00

The future of memory

Conference of the programme of cultural activities "The graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory", by Carmen Calvo, in collaboration with the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia.

Las Fosas del Franquismo is a project with a public service vocation that aims to promote democratic memory. Society has a moral obligation to undo the slab of oblivion in order to never again repeat the most tragic episodes of our history. The project is multidisciplinary in nature, as it is approached from the perspective of archaeology, anthropology and historical memory.

The Diputación de València, with the Historical Memory Delegation, and the Department of Culture, with the Museums of Prehistory and L'ETNO, have produced two exhibitions, a publication and a programme of cultural activities, which aim to contribute to the truth, justice and reparation of the memory of the people shot in the Paterna Cemetery between 1939 and 1956. Special attention has been devoted to the victims and their families.

The project Las Fosas del Franquismo. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory, of the Diputación de València will include a programme of complementary activities throughout 2023 and the first months of 2024: conferences, round tables, presentation of publications, musical performances, scenic arts and cinema, and the inauguration of two exhibitions: Archaeology of Memory. Las fosas de Paterna, organised by the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, and 2238 Paterna. Lugar de perpetración y memoria, organised by L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia, which will help to strengthen critical thinking in the face of events that should never be repeated.

Carmen Calvo Poyato (Cabra, Córdoba, 1957) Constitutional lawyer, university professor and member of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party. She was Vice-President of the Spanish Government between 2018 and 2021, and previously held several ministries. She is currently a Member of Parliament and President of the Equality Commission of the Congress of Deputies since September 2021. 
As Minister of Culture, she favoured the creation of the Historical Memory Documentary Centre. She has also been the main driving force behind the current Law of Democratic Memory, in force since October 2022.

This conference is part of the programme of cultural activities Las fosas del Franquismo.

09 Jun 2023 - 17:00 - 19:00

As seating capacity is limited, tickets will be released on a first-come, first-served basis from 6.30 p.m. onwards at the information point at the Centro Museístico La Beneficencia.

07 Jul 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59

Ostrov. Lost Island

Svetlana Rodina and Laurent Stoop, Rusia, 92' (2021) - VOSE

On the island of Ostrov in the Caspian Sea, the inhabitants have been abandoned by the Russian state after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They survive by poaching fish. Ivan often goes out to sea, risking his life and freedom. He struggles, laughs, dances, fights, and hopes that one day Putin will address the island's misery and help them.

07 Jul 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59
Organisation and access

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.

06 Jul 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59


Simon Gillard, Bèlgica, 90’ (2021) - VOSE

On the island of Lahou, in Costa d'Ivori, Aya and her mother are victims of global warming caused by the northern countries. The sea level is gradually rising and forcing the inhabitants of the island to abandon their land. On the island there is only a village, some fishing boats and a cemetery, condemned to disappear under the water. A universal story with a magnificent and lively protagonist.

06 Jul 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59
Organisation and access

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.

28 Jun 2023 - 17:30 - 19:00


Vicent Pons and Toni Lucas, Spain, 90'(2023) - Valencian and Spanish

On the banks of the mouth of the Xúquer River, researchers discover archaeological finds that prove the existence of an important commercial centre connected to other Mediterranean ports. The documentary, a fluvial road movie, travels through the natural and human landscapes that surround the Xúquer, one of the most polluted rivers in Spain, linked to our identity, with which we have lived and which we have feared and esteemed.

28 Jun 2023 - 17:30 - 19:00
Organisation and access

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.

30 Jun 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59


Alon Swarchz, Israel, 94’ (2022) - VOSE

*Exhibition included in the programme LES FOSSES DEL FRANQUISME. Arqueologia, Antropologia i Memòria of L'ETNO, Museu de Prehistòria de València and the Delegació de Memòria Històrica de la Diputació de Valencià.

In the 1948 war, hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated. Israel calls it "The War of Independence". Palestinians refer to it as the "Nakba". The documentary examines the history of the village of Tantura and why the Nakba is a taboo in Israeli society. 

Full premiere of the film in Spain

30 Jun 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59
Organisation and form of access

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.

29 Jun 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59

Volverte a ver (See you again)

Carolina Corral, Mèxic, 80’ (2020) - Spanish

*Screening included in the programme «The Graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory» of L'ETNO, Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia.

Lina, Angry and Edith are relatives of missing persons. They train as forensic experts in order to participate in the exhumation of more than 200 bodies that the Morelos Prosecutor's Office buried in secret, without investigating what happened to them or who they were. The documentary accompanies the work of these women in the process of disinterment, the supervision of which reveals a harsh reality: what is a government that, without investigating, buries more than two hundred people in hidden graves covering up?

Discussion after the screening of the film.

29 Jun 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59
Organisation and access

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.

28 Jun - 07 Jul 2023


Third cycle of Documentaries and Ethnography

"L'Incontrolat" is a cycle that explores the relationship between documentary film and ethnography. The programme aims to promote the capacity of documentaries as a tool for analysing contemporary societies and cultures. It does so through a series of documentaries that range from works directed by anthropologists to audiovisual pieces with a marked ethnographic inspiration.
The approach of the cycle is based on a contemporary ethnographic perspective that does not focus exclusively on native peoples or isolated rural communities, but rather investigates the cultural practices and social conflicts of contemporary societies. Along these lines, this year's cycle addresses the phenomenon of mass graves in different countries and contexts, within the framework of the programme THE GRAVES OF FRANCOISM. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory of L'ETNO, Prehistory Museum of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia.
The works screened in "L'Incontrolat" are recent productions that are premiering for the first time in the Valencian Community, and are not easily accessible on digital platforms. Therefore, it is a unique opportunity to enjoy them when the summer sun goes down.

28 Jun - 07 Jul 2023
Organisation and access

Organised by
Col-lectiu HortaSnob - L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia

In collaboration with 
AVA Associació Valenciana d'Antropologia - La Dula Coop.

Free admission until full capacity is reached.

Bar service will be available during the screenings.

09 Jul 2023 - 05 May 2024

Guided visits to «Graves»

Every Sunday of the months of the exhibition (July 2023 - April 2024) our guides will conduct free guided tours for all audiences to the temporary exhibition 2238 Paterna. Place of perpetration and memory, as part of the activities that will be carried out as part of the programme Las Fosas del Franquismo. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory.

This programme, carried out jointly with the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia, includes another temporary exhibition organised by the Museum of Prehistory and which can also be visited at the La Beneficencia Museum Centre. It is called Archaeology of Memory. The graves of Paterna. The timetable can be chosen, i.e. you can see the Prehistory exhibition first (for example at 11 a.m.) and then the Ethnology exhibition (at 12:30 p.m.) or the other way round. They do not have a specific order, you can visit them as you see fit. 

Those who wish to visit the aforementioned exhibition should inform the information point at the Centro Museístico La Beneficencia, where groups of visitors will be formed.


Related content
09 Jul 2023 - 05 May 2024

There will be two groups of visitors every Sunday morning: at 11 am and 12:30 noon.

Please contact the information point to sign up for the group of your choice.

Visits will be in Valencian and Spanish.

Related content
10 May 2023 - 22:00
Press release

Before the garden

An ethnographic approach to the relationship between the city and its river

The Turia Gardens are a space of indisputable urban, social and heritage value that has evolved with the city since its very foundation. In spite of everything, the awareness that allows us to perceive it in this way is still, to a large extent, yet to be built. The narratives, often focused on the catastrophic floods, have overlooked other types of economic, social and emotional relationships between the city and its river.

The conversion of the river into a garden from 1982 onwards expanded the idea that, before the transformation of the old river into a large green belt, it was a wasteland that was alien to the city. A place where nothing happened.

The result of photographic and documentary archive research, this exhibition tells the story of a reality that was more diverse and complex. The exhibition is divided into three sections: Living on the river, which focuses on the riverbed as a living space; Living from the river, which points out the different uses of resources often related to water; Living the river, which reveals the development of its social and popular use until it became a garden thanks to citizen mobilisation.

Looking at the past shows us how our everyday environment is constantly changing, the result of the evolution of the relationships between people and the environment they inhabit. Observing these processes helps to strengthen the emotional roots that link us to the spaces we inhabit, enjoy and are used to perceiving as natural and familiar.

València was not born with its back to the sea, as is often said, but deliberately facing its river.


10 May 2023 - 22:00