28 Sep 2023 - 17:00 - 19:30

La trinchera infinita

Screening of the film «La trinchera infinita»

Activity that forms part of the cycle of cultural events organised by the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and L'ETNO within the project The graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory.

Original title: La trinchera infinita 

Year: 2019

Directors: Jon Garaño, Aitor Arregi, José Mari Goenaga. 

Running time: 147 min.

Cast: Antonio de la Torre, Belén Cuesta, Vicente Vergara, José Manuel Poga, Emilio Palacios.

Synopsis: Higinio and Rosa have only been married a few months when the Civil War breaks out, and his life becomes seriously threatened. With the help of his wife, he decides to use a hole dug in his own house as a temporary hiding place. The fear of possible reprisals, as well as their love for each other, condemn them to an imprisonment that will last for more than 30 years.


28 Sep 2023 - 17:00 - 19:30
20 Sep 2023 - 17:00 - 18:30

Book presentation

Presentation of three graphic novels that narrate different experiences of women repressed during Franco's regime.

Joint presentation of the graphic novels:

  • Dentro (Ilustropos, 2021) and Fuera (Ilustropos, 2022), by Isabel Ruiz.
  • María la Jabalina (Astiberri, 2023), by Cristina Durán and Miguel Ángel Giner Bou.


The authors will be present and it will be presented by Tono Vizcaíno, curator of the exhibition Archaeology of the memory. The graves of Paterna

Activity framed in the cycle of the project The graves of Francoism and organised by the Museum of Prehistory and L'ETNO.

Inside. After the end of the Spanish Civil War, the Franco regime began a period of repression and revenge that lasted for forty years. Thousands of people were executed and countless others were imprisoned without trial. Women's prisons became warehouses for prisoners where extreme conditions of overcrowding, torture, hunger and deprivation of rights led to terrible situations that history tends to erase. Dentro. draws on the testimonies of the survivors, as well as research into the genocidal practices in these prisons, to represent in a series of graphic accounts what that vital resistance meant for the political prisoners of Franco's dictatorship. It also serves as a well-deserved tribute.

Outside. After the fascist military coup, women suffered the total annulment of their rights and the model of the modern woman favoured by the Second Republic was persecuted and eliminated. The idea of the angel of the home, good wife and self-sacrificing mother was promoted, and this novel attempts to dissect the different methods used to condition their lives. The Sección Femenina, Acción Católica, the Patronato de Protección de la mujer and the Auxilio Social were some of the institutions from which the re-education and domination of the female population was carried out. In this context of indoctrination and terror, women had only four options for living: connivance, silence, exile or struggle.

Isabel Ruiz Ruiz (Úbeda, 1977) is an illustrator and director of audiovisual photography. She is the creator of a collection of illustrated books aimed at giving visibility to women of reference in different artistic and cultural, literary, scientific and philosophical disciplines. In her own words, "I have a degree in Fine Arts and a diploma in Photography Direction. As an author and illustrator I have published nine titles: La estación de las hojas, the five volumes of the Colección Mujeres, Mujeres españolas, Dentro y Fuera. In recent years my work as an illustrator has focused on giving visibility to women".

María la Jabalina. María Pérez Lacruz, known as María la Jabalina, was the last woman murdered by Franco's regime in the Valencian Community. In 1942, aged just 25, she was shot at El Terrer, the sadly well-known wall in Paterna (Valencia). The young anarchist of the Juventudes Libertarias had grown up around the factory in Puerto de Sagunto, where the atmosphere of the workers' struggle was in the air. At the age of 18 she had the courage to enlist as a militiaman in the Columna de Hierro, where she worked as a nurse. She was probably the first woman to be wounded in the civil war. During the post-war repression she was denounced, arrested and unjustly accused of crimes she could never have committed.

Cristina Durán and Miguel Ángel Giner Bou, winners of the National Comic Prize for El día 3 (Astiberri, 2018), revive one of the many silenced stories of women who fought for peace and freedom and, in addition, they echo the deepest wish of the mother of the Javelina: that such a great injustice never falls into oblivion. María la Jabalina has been produced thanks to the initiative and support of the Department of Historical Memory of Sagunto City Council and is published in both Spanish and Valencian.

Cristina Durán (Valencia, 1970) and Miguel Ángel Giner Bou (Benetússer, Valencia, 1969) work professionally in comics and illustration through their studio LaGRÚAestudio, which they founded in 1993. Together they have published comics such as Una posibilidad (2017), Cuando no sabes qué decir (forthcoming in Andana Gráfica), El día 3, together with Laura Ballester (2018) and María la Jabalina (2023). For El día 3 they have received, among others, the Comic National Award 2019.



20 Sep 2023 - 17:00 - 18:30
14 Sep 2023 - 16:00 - 18:00

Round table: Public policies of memory

Round table with various specialists who reflect on the treatment of democratic memory by different governments.

Esta actividad forma parte del programa de actos culturales en torno al proyecto Las fosas del franquismo y está organizada por el departamento de Memoria Democrática de la Diputació de València.

Moderadora: María Palau (periodista e investigadora) 

Integrantes de la mesa:
-       Natalia Enguix. Vicepresidenta y diputada delegada de Memoria Democrática de la Diputació de València
-       Francisco Etxeberria, antropólogo y asesor de la Secretaría General de Memoria Democrática del Ministerio de la Presidencia
-       Jesús Jurado, exsecretario general de Memòria Democràtica del Govern de les Illes Balears
-       Cristina García. Catedrática de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universitat de València. Institut Universitari de Drets Humans
-       Amparo Belmonte. Presidenta de la plataforma de Asociaciones de Familiares de Víctimas del Franquismo de las Fosas Comunes de Paterna.

Entrada gratuita. Aforo limitado. 

14 Sep 2023 - 16:00 - 18:00
27 Sep 2023 - 16:00 - 18:00

Round table: Education and memory

Round table with several specialists reflecting on the role of schools in the recovery of democratic memory.

Activity that forms part of the cultural programme within the project The graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory.


Teresa Llopis, teacher IES Ondara. XEIM - Network of resources within public education and Las Misiones de la Memoria.

Esther López Barceló, Aula Memoria Democrática Conselleria de Cultura.

Carlos Fuertes, Aula de Historia y memoria democrática UVEG.

Ferran Mestre, History teacher. CEFIRE of Gandia. CEFIRE Democratic Memory.

Moderator: Pepa Garcia Hernandorena, curator of the exhibition 2238 Paterna. Place of Perpetration and Memory. As part of the project The graves of Francoism.

27 Sep 2023 - 16:00 - 18:00
04 Jul 2023 - 22:00

The Graves of Francoism

Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory

The Graves of Francoism (Las fosas del Franquismo) is a project with a public service vocation that aims to promote democratic memory. Society has a moral obligation to undo the base of oblivion in order to never again repeat the most tragic episodes of our history. The project is multidisciplinary in nature, as it is approached from the perspective of archaeology, anthropology and historical memory.

The Diputación de València, with the Historical Memory Delegation, and the Department of Culture, with the Museums of Prehistory and L'ETNO, have produced two exhibitions, a publication and a programme of cultural activities, which aim to contribute to the truth, justice and reparation of the memory of the people shot in the Paterna Cemetery between 1939 and 1956. Special attention has been devoted to the victims and their families.

The exhibitions are: Archaeology of Memory. The Graves of Paterna (Arqueología de la Memoria. Las fosas de Paterna), organised by the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, and 2238 Paterna. A place of perpetration and memory  (2238 Paterna. Lugar de perpetración y memoria), organised by L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia, which will help to strengthen critical thinking in the face of events that should never be repeated.

2238 Paterna. A place of perpetration and memory.

Approaching the contemporary exhumations of the graves of victims of Franco's regime from the perspective of social anthropology allows us to look beyond these graves. From this discipline, the analytical focus is placed on understanding in depth and in all its dimensions the dynamic social world that surrounds them and endows them with meaning, whether in institutional, associative or family environments.

From this point of view, exhuming involves much more than digging up bones. The view widens and allows us to introduce new agents, to move through time and space and to put ourselves in the place of those people who were murdered and humiliated by Franco's repression, as well as to walk with them along the paths of memory and oblivion.

All these issues are present in one way or another in the exhibition 2238. Paterna, Place of Perpetration and Memory, organised by L'ETNO. Through different spaces and periods, it takes us from the past to the present, from the houses and locked chests of drawers to the cemetery of Paterna and inside the graves, from the experiences of several generations to the suffering of men and women repressed for their way of thinking and living, for defending the legitimate government or for their political militancy.

In the first room (Room 2) we enter a mass grave. From inside, we are led to reflect on its existence and the reasons for the current demands for exhumations, thanks, above all, to the transmission of memory by women.

The first courtyard recreates the Paterna cemetery, showing us the spaces, the small and humble family tributes, the different political demands that have taken place there over time up to the present day.

In the second courtyard we can stop to assimilate all that we have been shown, digest the violence and fear of so many families and share the seeds of hope that encapsulate their demands.

This project is the result of the joint effort and work of many people: the curator, the person responsible for the design, the institution and its workers (restoration, conservation, communication, didactics, administration and management...). And, of course, it is the fruit of the generosity of the families who have selflessly allowed their private and intimate memory to become public heritage and collective memory.

Consult press release in the right-hand column.

20 Jun 2023 - 17:00 - 19:00

This archaeology will be the tomb of fascism or it will not be

Conference of the programme of cultural activities "The graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory", by Xurxo Ayán, in collaboration with the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia.

Las Fosas del Franquismo is a project with a public service vocation that aims to promote democratic memory. Society has a moral obligation to undo the slab of oblivion in order to never again repeat the most tragic episodes of our history. The project is multidisciplinary in nature, as it is approached from the perspective of archaeology, anthropology and historical memory.

The Diputación de València, with the Historical Memory Delegation, and the Department of Culture, with the Museums of Prehistory and L'ETNO, have produced two exhibitions, a publication and a programme of cultural activities, which aim to contribute to the truth, justice and reparation of the memory of the people shot in the Paterna Cemetery between 1939 and 1956. Special attention has been devoted to the victims and their families.

The project Las Fosas del Franquismo. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory, of the Diputación de València will include a programme of complementary activities throughout 2023 and the first months of 2024: conferences, round tables, presentation of publications, musical performances, scenic arts and cinema, and the inauguration of two exhibitions: Archaeology of Memory. Las fosas de Paterna, organised by the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, and 2238 Paterna. Lugar de perpetración y memoria, organised by L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia, which will help to strengthen critical thinking in the face of events that should never be repeated.

Xurxo Miguel Ayán Vila (Lugo, 1976) is a Galician archaeologist and researcher. He has always been closely linked to Pobra do Brollón (Cereixa), the land of his parents. He is an archaeologist and researcher at the Landscape Archaeology Laboratory of the Padre Sarmiento Institute of Galician Studies (CSIC in Santiago de Compostela). He develops his technical work in three main areas: the assessment and correction of the archaeological impact of major public works; the enhancement of heritage; and the dissemination of archaeological knowledge. Since 2014 he has co-directed the International Brigades Archaeological Project and since 2016 he has directed the Civil War Archaeology and Heritage Socialisation Project at Monte San Pedro (Amurrio).

This conference is part of the programme of cultural activities Las fosas del Franquismo.

20 Jun 2023 - 17:00 - 19:00
17 Jun - 18 Jun 2023
24 Jun - 25 Jun 2023
01 Jul - 02 Jul 2023
08 Jul - 09 Jul 2023

Cycle ride through the Turia Garden

Complementary activity to the exhibition BEFORE THE GARDEN

We invite you to a bike ride through the Turia Garden where we will tell forgotten stories, collective experiences, identify archaeological remains of ancient uses and reflect on the process of construction of this emblematic space of the city that has not always been as we see it today. We want to renew the way we look at a space that we take for granted and activate new feelings of esteem, understanding, knowledge and responsibility towards the city we inhabit.

The route will sail up the river by bicycle with several explanatory stops, up to the Naturia building for a guided visit to the exhibition BEFORE THE GARDEN, where we will see photographic and archival documentation of everything we experienced on the bike ride.

Duration: 2 h. 30 min.
Departure point: Caixa Forum (Agora Building)
Starting time: 9:30 a.m.
Small groups of a maximum of 10-12 people.
Please register by e-mail: letno@dival.es
Phone number: 963 883 633
Bring your own bicycle. 
Low difficulty


  • Pau Monteagudo (Photographic archive technician of L'ETNO)
  • Iván Portugués (geographer, lecturer at the UV)
  • Aitana Guia (Historian, lecturer at the University of Fullerton, California - USA and author of La rebel·lió dels vianants: El Jardí del riu Túria al centre d'una nova València)


Languages: Valencian, Spanish, English and Italian.

Calendar: You only have to send us an email to letno@dival.es, choose the date and communicate the number of people who will come.

  • Saturday 17th June
  • Sunday 18th June
  • Saturday 24th June
  • Sunday 25th June
  • Saturday 1st July
  • Sunday 2nd July
  • Saturday 8th July
  • Sunday 9th July


17 Jun - 18 Jun 2023
24 Jun - 25 Jun 2023
01 Jul - 02 Jul 2023
08 Jul - 09 Jul 2023

Duration: 2 h. 30 min.
Starting point: Caixa Forum (Agora Building)
Starting time: 9:30 a.m.
Small groups of a maximum of 10-12 people.
Please register by e-mail: letno@dival.es
Phone number: 963 883 633
Bring your own bicycle. 
Low difficulty

22 Jun 2023 - 16:30 - 18:00
Comboi i Antropologia


An investigation into the professionalisation of women in sport. With Olatz González, anthropologist at the UPV/EHU together with Helena Paricio and Víctor Agulló, lecturers at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Valencia and members of the Valencian Association of Anthropology.

Women played professional pelota at least from 1917 to 1980. For decades their success surpassed that of their male counterparts, so what happened for us to know nothing about them?
Olatz González Abrisketa has been researching the phenomenon of female racket players for years and will put this fact into context on an international scale. Many raquetistas were Basque, but not all of them, and they played in fronton courts all over the peninsula, as well as in the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Cuba and Mexico. She will talk about how and why sport became masculinised throughout the 20th century and how a vision has been constructed that contrasts with the phenomenon of female racket players, sportswomen who earned salaries that were three times the average salary at the time.

A research that also includes València thanks to Helena Paricio de Castro and Víctor Agulló Calatayud, who started a research on the raquetistas of the Frontón Chiqui de València (1942-1954), contacting the relatives of the pelotaris settled in València, many of them Basque and some of them Valencian. Through an ethnography with interviews and documentary compilation, they reconstructed the lives of the raquetistas, probably the first professional sportswomen.

Organised by: L'ETNO Library and the Valencian Association of Anthropology together with the Federation of Frontenis and Pelota of the Valencian Community (FFPCV).

22 Jun 2023 - 16:30 - 18:00
13 Jun 2023 - 17:00 - 19:00

Memory, power and democracy

The memorial turn in the politics of memory.

Conference of the programme of cultural activities "The graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory", by Ricard Vinyes, in collaboration with the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia and the Delegation of Historical Memory of the Provincial Council of Valencia.

The Graves of Francoism is a project with a public service vocation that aims to promote democratic memory. Society has a moral obligation to undo the base of oblivion in order to never again repeat the most tragic episodes of our history. The project is multidisciplinary in nature, as it is approached from the perspective of archaeology, anthropology and historical memory.

The Diputación de València, with the Historical Memory Delegation, and the Department of Culture, with the Museums of Prehistory and L'ETNO, have produced two exhibitions, a publication and a programme of cultural activities, which aim to contribute to the truth, justice and reparation of the memory of the people shot in the Paterna Cemetery between 1939 and 1956. Special attention has been devoted to the victims and their families.

The project The Graves of Francoism. Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory, of the Diputación de València will include a programme of complementary activities throughout 2023 and the first months of 2024: conferences, round tables, presentation of publications, musical performances, scenic arts and cinema, and the inauguration of two exhibitions: Archaeology of Memory. The Graves of Paterna, organised by the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, and 2238 Paterna. Place of Perpetration and Memory, organised by L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia, which will help to strengthen critical thinking in the face of events that should never be repeated.

Ricard Vinyes Ribas (Barcelona, 1952). He is Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Barcelona. He chaired the Drafting Committee of the Democratic Memorial Project (2005) and the Drafting Committee of the Basque Government's Institute of Memory Project (2012). He has been a member of the Commission of Experts for the Revision of the Valle de los Caídos (2011).

He has been Commissioner for Memory Programmes in the municipal government of Barcelona (2015-2019), under the mandate of Mayor Ada Colau and with the function of establishing and managing a public policy of memory for the city of Barcelona. His latest work has been the direction of the international project Diccionario de Memoria Colectiva (2018).

This conference is part of the programme of cultural activities The Graves of Francoism.

13 Jun 2023 - 17:00 - 19:00
Organisation and access

Free admission until full capacity is reached. 

05 Jul 2023 - 05 May 2024

The Graves of Francoism

Archaeology, Anthropology and Memory

The Graves of Francoism (Las fosas del Franquismo) is a project with a public service vocation that aims to promote democratic memory. Society has a moral obligation to undo the base of oblivion in order to never again repeat the most tragic episodes of our history. The project is multidisciplinary in nature, as it is approached from the perspective of archaeology, anthropology and historical memory.

The Diputación de València, with the Historical Memory Delegation, and the Department of Culture, with the Museums of Prehistory and L'ETNO, have produced two exhibitions, a publication and a programme of cultural activities, which aim to contribute to the truth, justice and reparation of the memory of the people shot in the Paterna Cemetery between 1939 and 1956. Special attention has been devoted to the victims and their families.

The exhibitions are: Archaeology of Memory. The Graves of Paterna (Arqueología de la Memoria. Las fosas de Paterna), organised by the Museum of Prehistory of Valencia, and 2238 Paterna. A place of perpetration and memory  (2238 Paterna. Lugar de perpetración y memoria), organised by L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia, which will help to strengthen critical thinking in the face of events that should never be repeated.

2238 Paterna. A place of perpetration and memory.

Approaching the contemporary exhumations of the graves of victims of Franco's regime from the perspective of social anthropology allows us to look beyond these graves. From this discipline, the analytical focus is placed on understanding in depth and in all its dimensions the dynamic social world that surrounds them and endows them with meaning, whether in institutional, associative or family environments.

From this point of view, exhuming involves much more than digging up bones. The view widens and allows us to introduce new agents, to move through time and space and to put ourselves in the place of those people who were murdered and humiliated by Franco's repression, as well as to walk with them along the paths of memory and oblivion.

All these issues are present in one way or another in the exhibition 2238. Paterna, Place of Perpetration and Memory, organised by L'ETNO. Through different spaces and periods, it takes us from the past to the present, from the houses and locked chests of drawers to the cemetery of Paterna and inside the graves, from the experiences of several generations to the suffering of men and women repressed for their way of thinking and living, for defending the legitimate government or for their political militancy.

In the first room (Room 2) we enter a mass grave. From inside, we are led to reflect on its existence and the reasons for the current demands for exhumations, thanks, above all, to the transmission of memory by women.

The first courtyard recreates the Paterna cemetery, showing us the spaces, the small and humble family tributes, the different political demands that have taken place there over time up to the present day.

In the second courtyard we can stop to assimilate all that we have been shown, digest the violence and fear of so many families and share the seeds of hope that encapsulate their demands.

This project is the result of the joint effort and work of many people: the curator, the person responsible for the design, the institution and its workers (restoration, conservation, communication, didactics, administration and management...). And, of course, it is the fruit of the generosity of the families who have selflessly allowed their private and intimate memory to become public heritage and collective memory.
Consult the brochure of complementary activities in the right-hand column.

05 Jul 2023 - 05 May 2024