29 Apr 2023 - 10:30 - 11:30
01 Jul 2023 - 09:30 - 11:00
26 Aug 2023 - 17:30 - 18:30
24 Sep 2023 - 11:00 - 12:00

Naiet Cirerer

«El ceguet romancer»

Naiet Cirerer is a blind romancero who pays homage to those blind people who used to go around villages telling and singing about what was going on, in a festive way, sometimes in the style of Bernat i Baldoví, and even speaking in broken Valencian or Spanish, provoking laughter and amusement among the people who listened to his romances, habaneras, peteneras, valencianas, malagueñas, etc. It was a way of reliving with good music and good lyrics those cool evenings that our ancestors were so grateful for. A show that leaves no one indifferent.  

Naiet Cirerer (vocals, turuta, flabiol and dulzaina), Pep Juste Mama (vocals and guitar), Eduard Navarro (bandurria, lute and dulzaina).


Etnomusic als pobles

29/04 - 12.30 h. Plaza de los Árboles. Macastre 
01/07 - 11:30 h. Plaça Major. Meliana
26/08 - 19:30 h. Plaça de la Constitució. Alaquàs 
24/09 - 13.00 h. Plaça Major. Polinyà de Xúquer