31 Aug 2023 - 20:00 - 21:59
30 Sep 2023 - 17:30 - 19:00

Urbàlia Rurana

«Urbàlia en concert-Sarau mediterrani»
Etnomusic als pobles

Urbàlia Rurana have been cultivating their particular style of traditional Valencian music for more than three decades, faithful to their founding idea of bringing this music closer to the influences of other countries on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Since 1990, they have performed on stages and at festivals all over the Iberian Peninsula and in many European countries, and have released seven albums, which have received awards and critical and public acclaim. The group, which has become one of the fundamental groups of Valencian folk music, has actively participated in the promotion and creation of roots music festivals (Cant al Ras de Massalfassar, Festacarrer de Ondara and Xàbia Folk, among others).

The group has collaborated with other prestigious groups and artists in shows and record productions: with the Catalan group Primera Nota (Folk nou, 1997), with the Piedmontese musician Maurizio Martinotti (Cante delle terre del riso, 2000; Territoris amables, 2002) and with the Valencian band La Romàntica del Saladar (La vespra i la festa). At present, he presents diverse repertoires in concert format (Sarau mediterrani and La vespra i la festa), dance (Sarau a la plaça) and even Christmas repertoire (Cançons de Nadal valencianes), as well as his anthological concert Urbàlia Rurana 30 anys de camí, a selection of songs from all his 7 recordings and other proposals for the future.

Jaume Gosàlbez (dulzaina, tarota, flute and vocals), Carles Gil (accordion, mandolins and vocals), Toni Torregrossa (guitar, guitarrón and vocals), Joan Buigues (tuba and vocals) and Bernat Pellisser (drums, percussion and vocals).


Etnomusic als pobles

August 31: Alaquàs

September 30: C. C. Ausiàs March - Polinyà de Xúquer