20 Apr - 10 Jun 2023

Etnomusic 23'

This year is our 20th anniversary and we are going to celebrate it as it deserves.

From May to May. From Thursday to Thursday. 

This is the rhythm with which ETNOMÚSIC has been presented to the Valencian public every year for the last 20 years. When May returns, from Thursday to Thursday, it resumes its engagement with the public this project born in a museum - L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia - which, due to the dedication of its staff and institutional support, has also opted for music as a way of presenting itself to the public. 

ETNOMUSIC has allowed us to present in Valencia performers from various continents who have gone on to establish themselves on the international scene. With the aim of keeping the project up-to-date and relevant, over time we have introduced new spaces and concerts for young audiences and families into the programme. Throughout these 20 years of the festival, we have been accompanied by professionals, friends and a good handful of specialists who have worked to offer this music that is so much ours and at the same time so universal to an audience that every May, from Thursday to Thursday, diligently attends ETNOMÚSIC, and whom we at L'ETNO would like to thank for their enthusiasm and their company.  

It is no coincidence that the prologue to the twentieth edition is a special presentation concert by Miquel Gil, who will offer us his work 20 anys d'Orgànic (20 years of Organic) in April. In May, the festival will begin its usual series of concerts with the musician from A Coruña, Xabier Díaz, accompanied by the Adufeiras de Salitre. This performance marks the beginning of a musical journey that has a second stop with the Murcian group Mujeres con raíz (Women with Roots).

With an ensemble formed especially for the 20th anniversary of ETNOMUSIC, Efrén López will take us from Valencia to the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle East and Central Asia. On the return journey, the festival will stop in the region of Apulia, where Antonio Castrignanò will offer us a personal rediscovery of the musical tradition of Southeast Italy.

ETNOMÚSIC PERIFÈRIC presents two very remarkable projects, both of which have received critical acclaim. On the one hand, the stimulating project of Maestro Espada, where analogue synthesizers marry with castanets and lutes. On the other, Rocío Márquez + Bronquio, a new project by this prestigious flamenco musician.

The 2023 programme will include a family concert by Kilema in collaboration with the SARC (Diputación de Valencia). As a new feature in 2023, ETNOMÚSIC will include in its programme a concert by the duo Silento as a part of the Music in Construction Series (Cicle Música en Construcción) (Diputación de Valencia) . 

The festival will be touring the municipalities of the province (ETNOMÚSIC ALS POBLES) with two Valencian groups: Krama and Urbàlia Rurana. Their concerts will be preceded by Naiet Cirerer, with a show that pays homage to the storytellers and singers who travelled from town to town.