01 Jul 2023 - 18:30 - 20:00


«15 anys».
Cicle Mosaics de Música - Palauet de Nolla. Meliana
Etnomusic als pobles.

Krama, a band led by the Greek guitarist Spyros Kaniaris, explores modes and rhythms from the Balkans, Greece and the Black Sea, and creates a common ground where Mediterranean sonorities and songs intervene with convoluted rhythms and games with open and tense harmonies, in an approach that combines crisp sound universes with others full of serenity.

In this concert they will present works from their 15-year career and new compositions. In their music, traditional Greek instruments such as the lyre, the bouzouki, the sarangi coexist with eight-string guitars or the double bass, accompanied by percussion instruments (cajon, udu, tambourines). The lyrics of the songs are original in Valencian and by poets such as Vicent Andrés Estelles, Isabel Garcia Canet or translations into Valencian of the Greek poets Kostas Karyotakis and Odiseas Elytis.

Krama has participated in festivals such as Fira Mediterrània de Manresa, Polirítmia (València) ETNOMÚSIC (Valencia), Folk Segovia, Festival Internacional de Música de Gandia, Indrets Sonors, Espai Mediterrani, Fira de Vic, and have performed in Malta, Hungary, Germany, Egypt, and Algeria. They have received the Premi Ovidi Montllor 2010 and the Premi Mediterrània 2008 of the Fira d'Espectacles d'Arrel Tradicional Mediterrània de Manresa. 

Spyros Kaniaris (guitar, lyra de Pontos, sarangui), David Gadea (percussion), Rafel Arnal (vocals), Xuso Barberá (double bass).

01 Jul 2023 - 18:30 - 20:00
Etnomusic als pobles

Concert included in the programme Etnomusic als pobles - Cicle Mosaics de Música. 

Location: Palauet de Nolla (Meliana)