05 Sep 2022 - 22:00
Nota de premsa

Presentació activitats familiars nou curs

L’ETNO PRESENTA LA SEUA PROPOSTA EDUCARTIVA PER COL·LEGIS I FAMÍLIES. El programa incorpora dos jocs de la seua exposició permanent per famílies, així com projectes derivats de les exposicions pels centres educatius.

Amb l’arribada del mes de setembre i l’inici del curs, L’ETNO presenta dues noves propostes per famílies i col·legis derivats de la nova exposició permanent No és fàcil ser valencià/na. 

Els projectes per famílies són dos: ETNOVIATGE i BUSCA L’ETNO. El primer proposa un etnoviatge en la secció de Ciutat (Ciutat: Global – Local) de la mostra permanent del museu, l’objectiu de la qual és que estes famílies puguen aprofundir i valorar/comentar entre pares i fills els continguts de la mostra sense necessitat de guia o monitor/a. Es tracta d’una guia que proposa diferents activitats sobre el fenòmen urbà. En ella les famílies desevoluparan exercicis i jocs sobre la mobilitat urbana, els edificis singulars, la forma de la ciutat antiga i el seu reflexe en la moderna, la festa urbana, les noves formes de consum o de treball, així com la diversitat cultural que aporten les persones que venen de fora.

ETNOVIATGE està pensat per famílies amb xiquets i xiquetes de 6 a 11 anys que puguen visitar i recórrer de forma autònoma (visita lliure) esta secció de l’exposició, i està organitzat amb exercicis amb diferents graus de dificultat segons l’edat. La guia pot completar-se durant la visita, en casa, o en una sala de descans que L’ETNO ha posat en marxa este estiu destinada al descans i la lectura, ubicada al final de la secció de la Ciutat.   

BUSCA L’ETNO és un joc en el què cal trobar a L’ETNO (mascota del museu) entre les diferents vitrines de tota l’exposició permanent. Una de les modificacions introduïdes fa dos anys amb la renovació de la mostra permanent del museu fou la instal·lació de vitrines menudes a baixa alçada dirigides a un públic més menut (menor a 6 anys). Estes vitrines mostren amb objectes (joguets) cadascun dels continguts de l’exposició, però amb una iconografia i un llenguatge pensat per xiquets. El joc proposa el repte per famílies de trobar la nostra mascota a llarg de l’exposició. 

Amb estes novetats, L’ETNO amplia la seua oferta per a públic familiar i proporciona recursos per a que les famílies puguen gaudir de la mostra de forma autònoma i puguen utilitzar el museu com un recurs per l’oci familiar.  

Durant els caps de setmana L’ETNO continua oferint les seues visites guiades realitzades pels conservadors del museu a les mostres temporals i permanents (per adults) i tallers de caràcter etnològic per xiquets i xiquetes. 

L’oferta per centres educatius i associacions es conforma amb: El joc de l’horta, joc de taula sobre l’ús de l’aigua dirigit a grups d'Educació Primària; De cap a peus, taller sobre indumentària tradicional, dirigit a grups d'Educació Primària i 1er cicle de l’ESO; Faltar o morir, projecte educatiu que reflexiona sobre la mort sorgit de l’exposició Faltar o morir. Un recorregut per l’absència produïda pel museu en l’any 2020, dirigit a grups d'Educació Primària, ESO i Batxillerat.

Com tots els anys, en arribar la tardor, L’ETNO posarà en marxa 7ena edició d’ESPANTA LA POR, projecte de recuperació de l’imaginari tradicional sobre la por, dirigit a grups d'Educació infantil i Primària. 

Així mateix, el museu continuarà amb els seus programes de salut i benestar: Caixa dels records, memòries d’una vida projecte dirigit persones amb demència en estat inicial, i L’ETN(H)OSPITAL, projecte en qual el museu proporciona recursos educatius pels xiquets i xiquetes ingressats en la Unitat Pediàtrica de l’Hospital Doctor Peset (UPH Peset) per millorar el seu estat emocional i afectiu

Activity for families

Where is ETNO?

A new discovery game that takes place in the museum's rooms. The aim is to find a character called ETNO. At the end there is a prize for whoever finds him.

ETNO has hidden himself in the display cases of toys in the exhibition. Can you help us find him? 

A game of discovery to experience in the rooms of L'ETNO. The museum seen through different eyes - those of children - in a playful and entertaining way. For children aged 4 to 7 accompanied by adults. 

Playful guide for families


Would you like to take a tour of the city at your own pace? Not just any city, but the one you can see if you visit L'ETNO... Come with the whole family to discover the new educational proposal in guide format for adults and children!!!

The permanent exhibition of L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia "It is not easy to be Valencian" consists of three sections: the city, the irrigated farmland and the marshland, and the dryland and the mountains. This guide is a playful and educational proposal about the first one: the city. Through different activities that encourage creativity and critical thinking, we want adults and children to learn a little more about Valencian cities and the many changes that have taken place in them over the last century.

The guide is aimed at families with children between 6 and 11 years old. You can all take part in the activities and join in with them. Each proposal consists of three itineraries with different levels of difficulty. As a guideline, each level corresponds to an age range, although adults can choose the activities that you consider most appropriate to the profile of the children.

To do the activities, you can consult the information panels in the room and use the folder and pencil provided at the entrance. The suggested route can be completed in 1 hour. At the end of the City Hall there is a new rest area with tables where you can do or finish some activities. After the visit, you can continue learning at home with other suggestions at the end of the guide.

The guide is only available in Spanish and Valencian.

04 Dec 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
11 Dec 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
18 Dec 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
Didactic workshop

Mexican seven-pointed piñata

Weekend workshop for families

I don't want gold, I don't want silver, what I want is to break the piñata! In this traditional Christmas workshop, we will make together the traditional Mexican seven-pointed piñata so that you can fill it with wishes and your favourite sweets, and we will also discover together its symbolism. Are you in?

Organization and access

•    Workshops aimed at a family audience.
•    Minimum age: children from 4 years old.
•    Language: Valencian and Spanish.
•    Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
•    Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons will not have to take a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per reservation.
•    Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
•    The person in charge of the workshops will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 12.00. If a person does not arrive on time, his or her ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

20 Nov 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
27 Nov 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
Didactic workshop

Discovering the Valencian mosaic

Weekend workshop for families

The mosaic tradition in Valencia dates back to Roman times and has lasted until the present day. In the workshop we will create a mosaic full of colour, then we will submerge it as if it had been covered for years, and finally, we will bring out the colours in a magical way, leaving the mark of the passage of time. Do you want to make magic? We invite you to give it a try.

Organization and access

•    Workshops aimed at a family audience.
•    Minimum age: children from 4 years old.
•    Language: Valencian and Spanish.
•    Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
•    Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons will not have to take a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per reservation.
•    Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
•    The person in charge of the workshops will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 12.00. If a person does not arrive on time, his or her ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

23 Oct 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
30 Oct 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
06 Nov 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
13 Nov 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30
Didactic workshop

Where witches live

Weekend workshop for families. Activity of "Espanta la por"

Where can we find a witch? Witches can be anywhere. They can be found in the woods or in caves. Some witches do not use broomsticks and ride bicycles. Others go by boat and live on an island. We can even meet them in the lift... there are very modern witches! Do you know the witches of the caves of Poble Nou de Benitatxell or the modern witches of Benidorm? Come and discover them!

Organization and access

•    Workshops aimed at a family audience.
•    Minimum age: children from 4 years old.
•    Language: Valencian and Spanish.
•    Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
•    Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons will not have to take a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per reservation.
•    Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
•    The person in charge of the workshops will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 12.00. If a person does not arrive on time, his or her ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

02 Oct 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
09 Oct 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
16 Oct 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
Didactic workshop

Workshop of Valencian barraques

Weekend workshop for families

Do you want to make a barraca? In this workshop we will make a small reproduction of this traditional dwelling and its surrounding space, and we will recreate the way of life of the Valencian people who lived more than a century ago in these houses that can still be found today in popular areas such as El Palmar or the Albufera.

Organization and access

•    Workshops aimed at a family audience.
•    Minimum age: children from 4 years old.
•    Language: Valencian and Spanish.
•    Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
•    Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons will not have to take a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per reservation.
•    Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
•    The person in charge of the workshops will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 12.00. If a person does not arrive on time, his or her ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:


04 Sep 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
11 Sep 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
18 Sep 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
25 Sep 2022 - 10:00 - 11:30
Didactic workshop

The treasure hunt

Weekend workshop for families

Many years ago, pirates sailed the seas, travelled far and wide, everywhere, and accumulated a great deal of treasure. Valencia was not spared from the attack of these pirates and legend tells that there is are treasures hidden here, which can be found by means of a map. Do you want to start a pirate adventure and find the treasure?
We are waiting for you at L'ETNO.

Organization and access

•    Workshops aimed at a family audience.
•    Minimum age: children from 4 years old.
•    Language: Valencian and Spanish.
•    Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
•    Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons will not have to take a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per reservation.
•    Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
•    The person in charge of the workshops will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 12.00. If a person does not arrive on time, his or her ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Educational workshops

Weekend workshops

From September to December 2022, for the entire family

We are starting the new season with renewed educational workshops for the whole family. Aimed at children from 4 years of age accompanied by an adult, they take place on Sundays at 12:00 noon. 

Tickets will be distributed from the Thursday before each workshop and the person in charge will collect the participants in the museum foyer at 12:00 noon. 

The workshops will be held in both Spanish and Valencian.



Organisation and access

- Workshops aimed at a family audience.
- Minimum age: children from 4 years old.
- Language: Valencian and Spanish.
- Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop at: www.letno.es
- Tickets are only reserved for children. Accompanying persons do not have to take a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per booking.
- Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
- The person in charge of the workshops will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 12.00 pm. If someone does not arrive on time, their ticket will be


L'ETNO for families

Weekend workshops for families at L'ETNO cancelled until 2025

At L'ETNO we want to offer activities for everyone and we love to welcome families.

 Here are some of the activities especially designed for families:

  • Workshops for families. Every Sunday at 12:00 noon you can come to L'ETNO to enjoy some very participative and lighthearted activities designed to amuse and entertain the whole family.
  • Etnoviatge. A new educational initiative in booklet format aimed at giving families the ability to make visits independently with children from 6 to 11 years old. You can ask for it at the information point in the foyer of the Beneficència.
  • Where is ETNO? A new discovery game that takes place in the rooms of the museum. The aim is to find a character called ETNO. At the end there is a prize for whoever finds him.

Come, enjoy and learn with us!!