
La Festa Valor

Dedicated to oral storytelling, to rondalles and, of course, to the girls who know how to tell stories.

La Fiesta Valor is a popular festival that wants to spread through the streets and squares of all parts of the Valencian Country, it is an opportunity to listen to professional storytellers, but also to grandmothers and grandfathers who know how to tell. A festival of the word for everyone's ears.

It is an initiative of the Enric Valor Chair of the Universitat d'Alacant, with the collaboration of the L'ETNO Library.

From the vocation that L'ETNO has as a social museum, we thought and designed our party so that it could be copied and adapted by any town that wanted to make one. 

In this article we wanted to tell you how the L'ETNO Courage Party went in case you would like to get ideas or ask us for resources. Everything we created was with that intention: that any Valencian town could reuse everything, from the graphic image of the festival, to the texts adapted from the fables of Enric Valor to make participatory readings and theatre.


Museum itineraries with a gender perspective

The network of Museum Itineraries in a gender perspective incorporates the gender perspective into the cultural visit to the museum. A perspective that studies the cultural and social constructions that are specific to men and women, that which identifies the feminine and the masculine. This network offers visitors to the participating museums a different reading of the collections on display, with the aim of promoting gender equality in the face of diversity. 

L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia has developed a gender itinerary or tour, selecting a set of pieces and spaces from its permanent collection that show significant interest in relation to gender representations. Visitors can consult and download the information and material necessary to follow the proposed routes at 

These itineraries do not focus exclusively on the figure of women, but also explore representations of men and masculinity, as well as the presence of transgender identities, third genders or alternative genders to the Western dual system of sex/gender. They also focus on aspects such as gender ideology and systems, stereotypes and roles, relations between spaces, history and gender, etc. 

Some of the objectives of the Relecturas network are to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of Valencian cultural heritage, to promote intercultural dialogue, to strengthen links between Valencian museums, and to boost cultural tourism. It also seeks to teach values of respect, coexistence and tolerance in order to achieve real and effective equality between women and men.

22 May 2022 - 09:30 - 11:00

Ministrils del Raval

"La Filomena se'n va al mercat": Concert for families

Ministrils del Raval is a traditional music ensemble that was created in 1988 and which, through five albums, has carried out a rigorous research with an updated vision of the ethnomusical heritage of Catalonia. 

"La Filomena se'n va al mercat" is a family show in which traditional dances and songs, as well as food products, are presented through a musical story. 

Traditional music and food go hand in hand in this show. The group proposes a dialogue between the present and the past; between the speed of today and the slowness of the past; between haste and calm; between fast-food and chup-chup? Between a woman of today, Alba, and a woman of yesteryear, her aunt Filomena, a woman who was not what women were supposed to be... For Filomena, every meal was a journey, and every music was food. We are lucky if we have food and songs, because they help us digest life.

Encarna Mora (accordion), Pere Ruiz (soprano sax), Carles Llongueras (gralla) Josep Maria Pey (tenora), Jaume Moros (flugelhorn), Joan Rosset (tuba), Isi Vázquez (percussion). 

Organisation and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this web.

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>

26 May 2022 - 18:00 - 20:00


Valencians fascinated by Greek fusion music

Ataxía was born in Valencia in 2011 from the meeting of Alberto Mateo with Andreas Melas, Julia Badenes and Diego López. Ataxía, a Greek name meaning disorder, and metaphorically, mischief or misbehaviour, serves as an excuse for this group to offer us a show made up of their own pieces, traditional songs and rebétiko themes, a Greek singing and dancing genre which, due to its marginal origin and theme, has certain similarities with tango, raï or fado, and which emerged in Greece at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. 

The group has released the albums Música del submón in 2017 and Ataxía in 2021. This second album features 30 musicians from different countries of the European and Eastern Mediterranean and includes themes that deal with various social and personal issues: the marginalised classes, love and heartbreak, censorship and freedom, underworld hustling and the hard work of the sea. "And by the end of the night, tightly embraced, the sweat drips right off. This is what remains.

Andreas Melas (tzurás and vocals), Alberto Mateo (oud), Julia Badenes (vocals and guitar), Diego López (percussion), Xavi Alamán (double bass), Omran Adrah (kanun) and Stefanos Filos (violin).

Organization and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this web.

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>


19 May 2022 - 18:00 - 20:00
15 Jul 2022 - 20:30 - 21:50

Momi Maiga: Nio

African music with touches of jazz and flamenco.

At only 24 years old, Momi Maiga is already a virtuoso on his instrument, the kora - an African harp-lute. The Senegalese singer is a curious and self-taught composer with a surprising musical sensitivity that stands out for his vocal fluency. 

Immersed in the rich musical heritage of West Africa, the young African musician grew up in the Casamance region of southern Senegal. At the age of six, he started playing the kora and began his career alongside renowned musicians from the Cissokho Family. Following the historical legacy of the griot, which goes back centuries, his artistic heritage is connected to Mandingo traditions and repertoires. 

In ETNOMUSIC 22 he presents "Nio" which means "soul" in Mandinka. In this work, the young Senegalese artist combines jazz, Afrobeat and flamenco in his compositions performed in his native language and in Wòlof, another of Senegal's own languages. Momi Maiga is part of a new generation of West African musicians who are interested in the prominent issues of our time and who use poetic forms to spread messages of joy and peace.

Momi Maiga (kora and vocals), Carlos Montfort (violins and vocals), Aleix Tobias (drums and percussion), Marçal Ayats (cello and vocals). 


MOMI MAIGA. 15th July. Plaça d'Espanya (Carcaixent). 23:00 h

Organisation and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this >>web.

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>


Etnomusic en los pueblos

15 de julio. Plaça d'Espanya (Carcaixent). 23:00 h

11 May 2022 - 18:00 - 20:00
05 Aug 2022 - 20:00 - 21:59
02 Sep 2022 - 20:00 - 21:59

Besarabia: Animal Republic

Traditional Mediterranean fusion songs

Besarabia is a musical project born in Valencia that is inspired by the tradition of the Mediterranean and the Balkans. The group was created in 2013 and since then its members Heide Erbrich, Jaume Pallardó and Eva Mª Domingo have developed a very peculiar style of performing traditional songs. They have also expanded their repertoire with their own compositions that fuse Balkan and Mediterranean sounds and more modern elements, with lyrics in Valencian. In 2014 they released a work with six songs, and in 2017 they published their first album "Ritmes, trenes i gats" (Mesdemil). 

In 2021 they released "Animal Republic" (Segell Microscopi), a work that includes their own interpretations of songs from the Balkan and klezmer tradition and eleven newly composed and unpublished songs of their own. The trio's second album was selected as one of the Top 20 in the prestigious World Music Chart Europe (November 2021) and was awarded as 'Millor disc de fusió i mestissatge' in the IV Premis Carles Santos de la música valenciana. 

Heidi Erbrich (violin and viola), Jaume Pallardó (oud, laouto and baglama), Eva Mª Domingo (voice, darbuka, daf, tambourine and davul).


BESARABIA: 05th August. Plaça de Sant Vicent (Bocairent). 23:00 h

BESARABIA: 02nd September. Plaza Gran Valencia (Torres Torres). 23:00 h.

Organisation and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this >>web.

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>

05 May 2022 - 18:00 - 20:00

Ana Alcaide: Ritual

A mystical journey that takes us to other cultures.

Ana Alcaide is a musical explorer of hidden treasures and ancient traditions, who transports us to distant lands, to ancestral times and magical places. The artist proposes an invitation to build bridges between cultures and a call for tolerance, as a vehicle "to reach beauty, dialogue and encounter". 

Ritual, the sixth album by this singer from Toledo and player of the nyckelharpa (a traditional instrument of Swedish origin) is conceived as a mystical journey, as a hymn to the connecting power of everyday actions, born of her interest in Persian poetry and her encounter with the Iranian singer Reza Shayesteh.

"The greatness of a small everyday gesture, a place to return to, the smell of musk on my clothes. Sufi mystic verses, sounds of fish patches, dissolving in the purity of a colour. A meeting more than 15 years ago, a foreign city, an intimate and profound journey... The power of RITUAL. The diary of our life is written with the stories of our small daily gestures".
Ana Alcaide (vocals, nyckelharpa, tanbour and atmospheres), Reza Shayesteh (vocals, tanbour, setar and daf), Bill Cooley (ud, psaltery, percussions and atmospheres), Kaveh Sarvarian (ney and tombak), Sandra Rico (dance). 

Organisation and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this >>web.

Online tickets sold out, available at the box office.

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>

01 Apr - 26 Jun 2022

The Maestrat on film

Images and a territory. The ghosts of the past confront the present

“El Maestrat Filmat” is a audiovisual project that brings to the present the different views that have been responsible for immortalizing this territory of inland Castelló (the north part of the Valencian country) throughout the last century. A proposal that aims to reflect on the visual imagery of this eminently rural territory. During the project, more than 20 film archive collections from towns such as Albocàsser, Benassal, Catí or Ares del Maestrat have been located and preserved.

This exhibition proposal is an adaptation of this documentary project. In the first part of the visit, the construction of the archive is presented. A constellation of images that show its origin, scope and context of creation, each one with its own characteristics. Discovering these collections will help us rethink their mere existence and reproduction, as well as their importance as documentary (intangible) heritage. Inside we can enjoy an audiovisual installation, a reconstruction of the interactive web documentary “El Maestrat Filmat-La Memòria Rescatada”.

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22 Dec 2022 - 03 Sep 2023

De granotes, gats i palmeres. Els orígens del Levante U.D.

An exhibition about the Llevant UD football club.

Opening, Thursday, December 22nd at 7:30 pm / Visiting hours: from December 23rd.

The exhibition focuses on the origins, history and social relevance of the current Levante UD football club, one of the classic clubs of the city of València. 

The exhibition will deal with some of the following topics:
- The social and political reality of the maritime settlements at that time.
- Catholic trade unionism and the Catholic circles created to counteract the influence of the class unions. In particular, it focuses on the Patronato de la Juventud Obrera.
- The reasons for the forced merger of Levante UD.
- The problems betwenn the two teams' supporters and players. 
- The "dance" of symbology: colours, shields, kits.


*Photo of Levante in a match against Atlético de Madrid at the Vallejo stadium. 1957. L'ETNO Archive. Col. Márquez Lambán.


14 Jul - 13 Nov 2022

Espill de Festa. The Corpus

The exhibition explains the cultural importance of what was the most important festival in the Valencian territory (the Corpus Christi).

Through the exhibition, objects from the L'ETNO clothing collection (Casa Insa) are presented in dialogue with others that are part of the festival in different valencian towns. The main objectives of the project are:

  • To value the work of L'ETNO in the recovery, conservation and restoration of the Casa Insa clothing collection.
  • Help the museum visitor understanding how the Corpus Christi festival was a "performance" in which the whole society participated.
  • To analyze the iconography that has configured one of the main Valencian traditions.


Between 2 October and 13 November there will be guided tours on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. by the exhibition curators. Languages: Spanish and Valencian.