29 Apr 2023 - 11:00 - 13:30
27 May 2024 - 11:00 - 13:30
Human libraries

Human Libraries are back!

In a human library, books are the people who transmit life stories and diverse tales that are never repeated. At L'ETNO Library we exchange paper books for human books that speak in the first person. In a human library you come to listen, to feel and to learn in a supportive and intercultural space because the books will be migrants from different countries who are willing to share their experiences with those who want to listen to them. All the human books are part of the València Acoge collective. 

L'ETNO Library is looking for readers interested in listening and living this experience. The recommended age is for people over 12 years old because the books are not fiction but contain very real stories and, as we all know, reality always surpasses fiction. However, if you have children over 12 at home, don't hesitate to take them with you because it is an enriching experience to activate and open the heart and mind. 
The books will change in each session, so you can attend both sessions without repeating readings. And a recommendation: plan your Saturday well and come without rushing, without thinking about shopping before lunch, without thinking about anything other than enjoying a good read.



Venue: rooms of the permanent exhibition of L'ETNO.

Pre-registration is required by sending an e-mail to: biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es and leaving your full name and date of attendance. 

This activity is recommended for children over 12 years old.

15 Jun 2024 - 11:00 - 13:30
13 May 2024 - 11:00 - 13:30
Human libraries

Human Libraries are back!

In a human library, books are the people who transmit life stories and diverse tales that are never repeated. At L'ETNO Library we exchange paper books for human books that speak in the first person. In a human library you come to listen, to feel and to learn in a supportive and intercultural space because the books will be migrants from different countries who are willing to share their experiences with those who want to listen to them. All the human books are part of the València Acoge collective. 

L'ETNO Library is looking for readers interested in listening and living this experience. The recommended age is for people over 12 years old because the books are not fiction but contain very real stories and, as we all know, reality always surpasses fiction. However, if you have children over 12 at home, don't hesitate to take them with you because it is an enriching experience to activate and open the heart and mind. 
The books will change in each session, so you can attend both sessions without repeating readings. And a recommendation: plan your Saturday well and come without rushing, without thinking about shopping before lunch, without thinking about anything other than enjoying a good read.


Venue: rooms of the permanent exhibition of L'ETNO.

Pre-registration is required by sending an e-mail to: biblioteca.etnologia@dival.es and leaving your full name and date of attendance. 

This activity is recommended for children over 12 years old.

29 May - 22 Sep 2024

Sustainability. Museus km 0

"Sustainability. Museus km 0" is a collective exhibition that wants to show, and also claim, how some concepts and mechanisms of sustainable management that claim contemporaneity live in the traditional knowledge that ethnological museums keep. Knowing that, many times, today's society has forgotten them and that they can be considered beyond nostalgia and their heritage significance. Repair, reuse, exchange, share and collaborate are not our concepts.

Beyond the content, the exhibition is interesting as a project of joint work between museums, with all that this means. Coordinating an appointed group, covering the different rhythms and reaching consensus among diverse approaches has been a long and laborious process, but it has been more than compensated by the experience we have gained and by the demonstration that we are capable of doing things together.

This joint work has been done within the framework of ETNOXARXA, a project of collaboration and interconnection between local ethnological museums in the province of Valencia.

29 May - 22 Sep 2024
02 May - 31 Dec 2024

Paellas and cars

The permanent rooms of museums are usually too static, enduring in time and at risk of losing contact with current phenomena. We activate from now on small spaces where to introduce temporarily new layers of meaning that enrich the main story of NOT EASY TO BE VALENCIAN/VALENCIANA.

The second selected experience can be found in the room HORTA I MARJAL: THE IMAGINARIES, where the final part is dedicated to food, specifically to the dish that represents the imaginary for the excellence of our territory, which has already become a global icon: Paella.

L' ETNO has collaborated with the photographer Ricardo Cases in the publication of the second edition of his work "Paellas y Coches", available in the museum shop. Accompanying the publication, we will be able to enjoy this original photographic series in the permanent rooms of the museum for a few months, in dialogue with the story of the permanent exhibition.

Nowadays it is not unusual to see paellas in the most unexpected places. In today's dynamic world, in which haste and lack of time threaten some classic social rituals related to food, Valencians have found solutions. With the good weather, our roads are filled with frying pans travelling in cars on their way to all kinds of homes. This photographic work was born in the restaurant L'Alter in Picassent (Horta Sud) which cooks more than 80 paellas a day to take away during the summer months. Ricardo Cases presents these motorised still lifes, where he explores new visual imaginaries around the representation of paella.


02 May - 31 Dec 2024
11 May - 22 Sep 2024

Etnomusic 2024

A wide-ranging and quality program in this XXI Edition, “With a woman's gaze”.

Over 20 years Etnomusic has become a project branded L'ETNO that has enjoyed a certain autonomy that has allowed it to configure its offer with musical, territorial and, of course, artistic criteria, always full of curiosity and new perspectives. The creation within the festival of Perifèric, concerts for families and Etnomusic als Pobles, make this clear. After these years and its acceptance by the public, we can affirm that the formula has been well received. 

During these years, one of the challenges of L'ETNO has been to maintain a close relationship between what is exhibited at the festival and the exhibitions that the museum programs each year. A challenge not always achieved because often the musical offer of the moment does not always coincide with the deadlines and themes addressed in its exhibition line. This year our goal is to relate, as much as possible, the thematic offer of the exhibitions and the musical proposal of the festival. In this way, the 2024 proposal can be better understood.

“With a woman's gaze”, Etnomusic is presented to the Valencian public with a basically feminine program to coincide the festival with the exhibition “Fadrines”, one of the most important exhibitions that L'ETNO will hold in 2024. The exhibition tells us about women who did not marry when it was appropriate: single women who, by choice, subverted the norm of getting married and having children. Taking this common thread, Etnomusic presents a program composed basically by women, who from various perspectives show us their way of relating, intimacy, esteem, work and, of course, create.


La María

A Valencian artist who is part of a new batch of artists who are breaking clichés and are taking the cant valencià to new areas to keep them as what they are, popular music that people listen and sing. 


One of the most recognized groups of the Spanish traditional music scene will offer us a family concert that will make us relive the sounds of our yayas and yayos: those first songs made in many occasions with things of everyday life. With Amores, a Valencian group also with a great trajectory and international recognition, we will dance with Senegalese percussion embracing values of coexistence and brotherhood among peoples. 

El Nido

A concert full of contemporary values based on traditional rhythms and structures. A compilation of “jotas” and “ruedas burgalesas” that, far from looking at the past, will present us with current themes. 

Maria Mazzota 

With the Italian singer from Apulia we will review, to the rhythm of tarantellas mixed with new elements, the moods that like the waves of the sea can lead to tragedy or to the kindest calm. 

Carola Ortiz 

With the album Cantareras she takes us to the intimate universe of the women who, while filling the water jugs in the river -a basically feminine work of a not so distant time-, told each other their thoughts and moods. 

Alba Carmona and Jesús Guerrero

After her time with the formation Las Migas, in 2018 she decided to take a leap as a solo performer and at the end of that same year she released her first solo album that includes songs composed by the singer herself. In this intimate format, Alba forms a duo with guitarist Jesús Guerrero, one of the most important figures of the current flamenco guitar and regular squire of artists such as Miguel Poveda, Niña Pastori or Carmen Linares. 


Project of the Valencian artist Isabel Latorre. In a show that bets on the word, the Catalan Alba Carmona proposes an eclectic journey from flamenco that will take us to territories such as the songwriter's song, the copla or bolero. For her part, the singer and composer Isabel Latorre will offer us an exquisite marriage between the varieties of the Valencian grape and the traditional masica of the Mediterranean or even jazz. 

Karlos Nao

Young flautist who plays music in the key of flamenco. Within the program there will be concerts in municipalities (Etnomusic als Pobles) and a concert for families in collaboration with the SARC of the Diputació de València.

We wait for you!!!!!

11 May - 22 Sep 2024
Organization and access

Limited capacity. Free admission. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the lobby of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through the website: www.letno.es.

Important: before booking tickets, it is necessary to register on the platform if you were not previously registered:

Registration on the platform>>

01 May 2023 - 15 Sep 2024

love on the outskirts

The permanent rooms of museums are usually too static, enduring in time and at risk of losing contact with current phenomena. We activate from now on small spaces where to introduce temporarily new layers of meaning that enrich the main story of NOT EASY TO BE VALENCIAN/VALENCIANA.

The first selected experience is to be found in the CITY: LOCAL AND GLOBAL room, where the final part is dedicated to the walls of the city, a space for reflection on the urbanism that surrounds us in cities. The physical walls and the invisible walls towards other social strata, as well as a space for political, commercial and artistic communication.

We present LOVE ON THE OUTSKIRTS, where the urban artist and photographer Pedro Mecinas and Lucia Gimeno document photographically during their urban explorations a collection of spontaneous graffiti with messages of love scattered around the city, suburbs and villages of Valencia. Like all archives, it is still in process, open and expanding to other territories in the embers of Pedro and Lucia's travels. Together, they continue to document this collection of emotions that you can follow on their instagram account @amordeextraradi.

In the words of the authors "how intense what you are feeling must be to have to leave it written on any surface without knowing if anyone will ever read you, understand you and feel anything. Without knowing what story is behind it".

City walls are also used as a form of romantic and sentimental communication. Documentary remnants of affection, break-ups, desires, dreams, disappointments and sufferings that instantly connect with all the anonymous people who look at them. An explosion of the private personal world in the public space that reminds us that shared emotions are also part of what binds us together as a society.

Exposició permanent
01 May 2023 - 15 Sep 2024
10 Mar 2024 - 12:00 - 13:30
24 Mar 2024 - 12:00 - 13:30
31 Mar 2024 - 12:00 - 13:30
07 Apr 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
Family workshop

Flying kite

In the workshop you will build with your parents a simple but capable of flying kite. You will also learn how to fly a kite, the different types of kites, when and how to fly, how to distinguish each of its parts and how to tie the different types of knots used in kites.

We are waiting for you to spend an unforgettable morning.


Organisation and how to access
  • Workshops aimed at a family audience.
  • Age: boys and girls from 5 to 12 years old.
  • Language: Valencian and Spanish.
  • Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
  • Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons do not need a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per booking.
  • Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The person in charge of the workshops will collect the participants at the meeting point at 12.00 noon. If someone does not arrive on time, their ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Register in platform>>

Educational workshops

Weekend workshops

The program of educational workshops for the whole family for the semester of 2024.

Here you have all the program of educational workshops for the whole family for the semester of 2024. They are intended for children from 4 years old accompanied by an adult, and are held on Sundays at 12:00 noon. 

Tickets will be distributed from the Thursday before each workshop and the person in charge will pick up participants in the museum lobby at 12:00 noon. 

The workshops will be held in both Spanish and Valencian.

Organisation and how to access
  • Workshops aimed at a family audience.
  • Minimum age: boys and girls from 4 years old.
  • Language: Valencian and Spanish.
  • Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop in this link.
  • Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons do not need a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per booking.
  • Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The person in charge of the workshops will collect the participants at the meeting point at 12.00 noon. If someone does not arrive on time, their ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Register in platform>>

07 Jul 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
14 Jul 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
21 Jul 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
28 Jul 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
Family workshop


All July workshops are suspended due to improvement works at Centro Cultural La Beneficencia

Run, run, he's leaving! We will travel on the "trenet", the "grandfather" of the Metro and tram of Valencia. streetcar of Valencia. You'll need a ticket, so don't forget to show it to the conductor! And we will build with cardboard and cardboard a model of a carriage, in which you will be able to draw you can draw your family, your favorite characters or whoever you want as passengers, leaning out of the windows. your family, your favorite characters or whoever you want.


Organisation and how to access
  • Workshops aimed at a family audience.
  • Age: boys and girls from 5 to 12 years old.
  • Language: Valencian and Spanish.
  • Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
  • Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons do not need a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per booking.
  • Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The person in charge of the workshops will collect the participants at the meeting point at 12.00 noon. If someone does not arrive on time, their ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Register in platform>>


09 Jun 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
16 Jun 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
23 Jun 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
30 Jun 2024 - 10:00 - 11:30
Family workshop

reusing colors reusing customs

Recycle, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recover are values that are very fashionable today and that aim to make us aware that we have to change the way we consume and buy things in order to preserve our planet. In the society of our yayos and yayas, these values were very present, since, when something broke, it was repaired and reused. It was a society that, unlike ours, consumed less things. 

From L'ETNO we propose "REUTILITZANT COLORS - RECUPERANT COSTUMS", to transmit this way of living respecting the world as our home. We will make in a handmade way and with material to reuse, with many colors, a case to give it the use that everyone wants. Do you want yours?

Organisation and how to access
  • Workshops aimed at a family audience.
  • Age: boys and girls from 5 to 12 years old.
  • Language: Valencian and Spanish.
  • Tickets available from the Thursday before each workshop through: www.letno.es
  • Tickets are only reserved for boys and girls. Accompanying persons do not need a ticket. Maximum 2 tickets per booking.
  • Each child must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The person in charge of the workshops will collect the participants at the meeting point at 12.00 noon. If someone does not arrive on time, their ticket will be used.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Register in platform>>