26 Jul 2022 - 16:00 - 18:00

Mudanzas. Presentation of the project

Presentation of the project and visit to the exhibition

Mudanzas is a project promoted in 2021  by the Centro de Formación de Personas Adultas Vicent Ventura in collaboration with the photographer Lidia Jaramillo. The project used the photovoice technique in combination with life interviews and workshops with the aim of giving  voice to immigrant and native students who were at the centre at the time. The idea was to let them  tell their story around three moments (origins, crossing and arrival) activating a shared reflection of the experience.
Through this project, L'ETNO aims to continue with its task of disseminating and reflecting on the plurality of Valencian society, and in particular the situation and experience of migrants living with us. In addition, the project strengthens the line of work of collaboration with institutions such as the Vicent Ventura training centre, until recently located in the same neighbourhood than the museum.

Lidia Jaramillo, photographer of the project, Coloma Mestre, teacher of the Centre de Formació de Persones Adultes Vicent Ventura, a student of this centre and participant in the project and Joan Seguí, curator of L'ETNO, will take part in the event. 

26 Jul 2022 - 16:00 - 18:00
07 Jul 2022 - 16:00 - 18:00
Comboi i Antropologia

A hores d’ara

Experiences and memories of the defence of l'Horta through its archives

A hores d'ara is a digital archive that encompasses the experiences and knowledge of the people and groups that have defended l'Horta de València over the last few decades. It contains visual and graphic material and different types of documentation produced by the collectives. It is an archive in process, built from the archives of many people and groups. Thus, the proposal does not include all the urban aggressions that have taken place in the territory of l'Horta, but those for which it has been possible to trace a social response with its different strategies to denounce and try to prevent violence on the territory and on the lives that make it up, sometimes with success and sometimes not, but always full of lessons learned.

Participants: Natalia Castellanos, Alba Herrero and Anaïs Florin. 

Organised by: L'ETNO Library and the Valencian Association of Anthropology.


07 Jul 2022 - 16:00 - 18:00
17 Jun - 19 Jun 2022

Viquiproject Corpus València

The Corpus Christi festival in Valencia is the city's biggest festival and, in order to disseminate all its festive elements, it must be present where everyone consults every time they have an information query: the Viquipèdia.

The free information that is currently available on the most consulted online encyclopaedia in the world is insufficient and can be improved. 

L'ETNO wants to take the opportunity of the future exhibition Espill de festa. El Corpus, which will be inaugurated in July, to open a parallel viquiproject to improve free knowledge about the Corpus Christi festival in the city of Valencia. This project will be developed in collaboration between L'ETNO, the Department of Festive Culture of the City Council of Valencia, Amical Wikimedia and Wikimedia Spain.

The viquiproject will have three main activities: a wikitakes to be held on the weekend of the Corpus celebrations, a photographic competition and a viquimarathon to edit textual content.

1- The wikitakes is a meeting whose aim is to photograph a geographical space or an event and then release the images on Wikimedia Commons. This project, a sister project of Viquipèdia, feeds the free encyclopaedia with images and audiovisual resources. In the case of Corpus Christi in Valencia, there is a lack of graphic resources about the festival, so the aim is to document all the elements and manifestations of the festive calendar. From 17 to 19 June, it will be easy to find viquipedistas, with their cameras, living the festival in the street to be able to document everything and, later, to release it. 

2- A photographic competition will be held among all the photographs about the Corpus Christi that are released on Wikimedia Commons. In this case, the contest is not limited to the city of Valencia, but is extended to all Valencian towns that celebrate this festival. 

L'ETNO is looking for collaboration to fill the most consulted encyclopaedia in the world with Valencian Corpus Christi. The first step is to enjoy the festival and take lots of photographs; the perfect excuse for the weekend of 17-19 June.

3- The viquimarathon is a meeting of people interested in editing. In this case, on the elements of the Corpus Christi festival, with the aim of creating new articles in the Viquipèdia or improving existing ones with new bibliographical references. This viquimarathon will be held at the ETNO Library once the exhibition Espill de Festa is open.


17 Jun - 19 Jun 2022

La Festa Valor

Dedicated to oral storytelling, to rondalles and, of course, to the girls who know how to tell stories.

La Fiesta Valor is a popular festival that wants to spread through the streets and squares of all parts of the Valencian Country, it is an opportunity to listen to professional storytellers, but also to grandmothers and grandfathers who know how to tell. A festival of the word for everyone's ears.

It is an initiative of the Enric Valor Chair of the Universitat d'Alacant, with the collaboration of the L'ETNO Library.

From the vocation that L'ETNO has as a social museum, we thought and designed our party so that it could be copied and adapted by any town that wanted to make one. 

In this article we wanted to tell you how the L'ETNO Courage Party went in case you would like to get ideas or ask us for resources. Everything we created was with that intention: that any Valencian town could reuse everything, from the graphic image of the festival, to the texts adapted from the fables of Enric Valor to make participatory readings and theatre.

10 Jun 2022 - 16:00 - 18:30

Burning el Maestrat filmat

An exhibition-based TikTok workshop in the "El Maestrat Filmat".

The exceptional nature and value of the images recovered fin the project El Maestrat Filmat confronts us with documents of great heritage value. But, luckily or unfortunately, times have changed a lot since these images were recorded and people's respect and relationship with these films has changed a lot.

The current use of the image makes these recovered films a rare bird, an estrangement within the chaotic amalgamation of the contemporary image with which we live and to which we are exposed on a daily basis.

Taking  all this as a pretext, L'ETNO proposeS to carry out a conference-workshop around the image-archive. A session where you can reflect on the use of the archive in the current audiovisual while experimenting with this type of images.

10 Jun 2022 - 16:00 - 18:30
  • Confirm your attendance at letno@dival.es
  • Workshop aimed at a young and adult audience.
  • The person in charge of the workshop will pick up the participants at the meeting point at 18:00. 
  • Those interested have at their disposal, on this website, a link with some files to download to their mobile phone, material with which they will do the assembly exercise using TikTok.
  • Attendees will have to come to the activity with the images already downloaded to their mobile phones.


27 May 2022 - 08:15 - 10:15


Learn about the new L'ETNO project aimed to libraries across the valencian territory

BIBLIO-POP is the new initiative of L'ETNO and its library to connect libraries across the valencian territory throughout their interest in popular culture. We want to built up a net with libraries who love and want to work with the subject of valencian popular culture. 

Come to the presentation of the event at L'ETNO and join the project!!

Organizes: Biblioteca de L'ETNO.

Activitats del BiblioPOP
27 May 2022 - 08:15 - 10:15
Activitats del BiblioPOP


Museum itineraries with a gender perspective

The network of Museum Itineraries in a gender perspective incorporates the gender perspective into the cultural visit to the museum. A perspective that studies the cultural and social constructions that are specific to men and women, that which identifies the feminine and the masculine. This network offers visitors to the participating museums a different reading of the collections on display, with the aim of promoting gender equality in the face of diversity. 

L'ETNO, Museu Valencià d'Etnologia has developed a gender itinerary or tour, selecting a set of pieces and spaces from its permanent collection that show significant interest in relation to gender representations. Visitors can consult and download the information and material necessary to follow the proposed routes at www.relecturas.es. 

These itineraries do not focus exclusively on the figure of women, but also explore representations of men and masculinity, as well as the presence of transgender identities, third genders or alternative genders to the Western dual system of sex/gender. They also focus on aspects such as gender ideology and systems, stereotypes and roles, relations between spaces, history and gender, etc. 

Some of the objectives of the Relecturas network are to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of Valencian cultural heritage, to promote intercultural dialogue, to strengthen links between Valencian museums, and to boost cultural tourism. It also seeks to teach values of respect, coexistence and tolerance in order to achieve real and effective equality between women and men.

04 Jun 2022 - 20:30 - 21:59


Peripheral Ethnomusic: concerts for a young audience!

N3rdistan is a French-Moroccan band that [re]thinks and mixes different dimensions, epochs, cultures, styles and instruments, from hip-hop, rap, electro-rock to the most traditional Arab melodies. All this with the voice of the disconcerting and fascinating Walead Ben Selim, who recovers part of the Moroccan poetry and presents his own songs. 

After three years of touring around the world, the group dedicated itself exclusively to creating this work, an unprecedented mix of committed poems and urban music. An album on the verge of trip hop and traditional music, with Arabic poetry as guest of honour, opening the doors of the digital century. Sixteen songs with a burning melancholy that intones a hymn to the glory of the word, with strong texts by Gibran Khalil, Nizar Qabbani, the poet of women, or Nazek El Malaeka, founder of free poetry and great defender of women's conditions in the Middle East. 

Walead Ben Selim (vocals), Widad Mjama (vocals and programming)

04 Jun 2022 - 20:30 - 21:59
Organisation and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this >>Web

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>


28 May 2022 - 20:30 - 21:59

Maui: By magic

Peripheral Ethnomusic: concerts for a young audience!

Maui has been able to create a character and a universe. Far from any known label - the Björk of Utrera, the Lady Gaga of flamenco, the Woody Allen of song, a singer-actress...─. Maui, a singer sponsored by Maribel Quiñones Martirio, is one of a kind, she is a weaver of stories that weave emotions that take us from laughter to tears and who, live, displays an overflowing talent that shows a rich amalgam of influences. 

The songs on his fifth album, Por Arte de Magia (2019), are a bouquet of fresh songs and a kaleidoscope of magic without tricks, colouring realities with no magic wand other than his stories told and sung.  But much more than a concert, Maui proposes with this show, a journey, an experience in which poetry, rhythm, theatre and humour coexist... and an invisible emotion that generates the surprise when the characters of the songs break the fourth wall and manage to trick the audience into their adventures.

Maui (vocals and cello), Josete Ordoñez (flamenco guitar), Kiko Martín and Noé Barroso (hand clapping, backing vocals and choreography).  

28 May 2022 - 20:30 - 21:59
Organisation and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this web.

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>


26 May 2022 - 18:00 - 20:00


Valencians fascinated by Greek fusion music

Ataxía was born in Valencia in 2011 from the meeting of Alberto Mateo with Andreas Melas, Julia Badenes and Diego López. Ataxía, a Greek name meaning disorder, and metaphorically, mischief or misbehaviour, serves as an excuse for this group to offer us a show made up of their own pieces, traditional songs and rebétiko themes, a Greek singing and dancing genre which, due to its marginal origin and theme, has certain similarities with tango, raï or fado, and which emerged in Greece at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. 

The group has released the albums Música del submón in 2017 and Ataxía in 2021. This second album features 30 musicians from different countries of the European and Eastern Mediterranean and includes themes that deal with various social and personal issues: the marginalised classes, love and heartbreak, censorship and freedom, underworld hustling and the hard work of the sea. "And by the end of the night, tightly embraced, the sweat drips right off. This is what remains.

Andreas Melas (tzurás and vocals), Alberto Mateo (oud), Julia Badenes (vocals and guitar), Diego López (percussion), Xavi Alamán (double bass), Omran Adrah (kanun) and Stefanos Filos (violin).

26 May 2022 - 18:00 - 20:00
Organization and form of access

Limited seating. 

Tickets can be collected from the Tuesday before each concert (maximum 2 tickets per person) in the hall of the Museu Valencià d'Etnologia (10 am to 8 pm) or through this web.

Free admission.

Important: before booking tickets, you must register on the platform if you are not already registered:

Platform registration>>>>